broody chicken

When caught quickly some will resume within two weeks, the others should by a month.
It was two weeks since laid eggs, and put one today. But she returned to the same customs.She is looking for the nest and want to lie down. I dont know what to do.
I can put fertilized eggs? Or there is a method that does not want to lie in eggs after them. She takes three hours looking for the nest.
Some can be very persistent, you can let her hatch eggs if you want more chickens, I had a lot of hens going broody their first laying year, they are less broody the following year, so maybe let her sit and get it out of her system.
Some can be very persistent, you can let her hatch eggs if you want more chickens, I had a lot of hens going broody their first laying year, they are less broody the following year, so maybe let her sit and get it out of her system.
And if I leave her own eggs (unfertilized), will serve? If this week does not change, I'll be in your nest eggs fertilized. These chicks are born, when can be separated from the hen ?. I'm not allowed to have more animals here at home.
She will sit on nothing if you leave her, my bantam hens go broody often and I usually let them go through it because they are constantly broody, they will sit for a month or two than quit on their own for a few months, I don't break them from it because I don't need the eggs, so if you can't have more chickens don't hatch more, just let her sit on nothing if it doesn't bother you.
She will sit on nothing if you leave her, my bantam hens go broody often and I usually let them go through it because they are constantly broody, they will sit for a month or two than quit on their own for a few months, I don't break them from it because I don't need the eggs, so if you can't have more chickens don't hatch more, just let her sit on nothing if it doesn't bother you.
My hen is broody again :( . today is the third day :/ . She is doesn't eating, not moving a lot and making weird noises
One of my girls is is freezing season her the weather is bad and it is not a good time to have baby chicks i moved her removed all eggs but she went back to the nesting box set on nothing is her second day broody ...i need advice but no cold air or water
Usually just moving them somewhere else and keeping them confined their for 3-5 days will do it, if she's stubborn and sits down than a wired bottom crate is required to cool her underside.
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Aach!! I have a year old hen who just went broody. We were considering about getting chicks, so we're wondering if we should put the chicks under the hen. But then we're worried that our other chicken (we used to have three) will feel lonely, so should we get an adult chicken as well, or just break the broody hen... Please Help!
Introducing a single adult hen can take time and lots of patience. If you hen is willing to take them, chicks are a better option to increase your flock. Just be ready to raise them yourself, not all broody hens want chicks or know what to do with them. Get more than one so they have siblings.

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