Broody fighting her flock


8 Years
Aug 17, 2011
I have 5 pullets. 1 went broody 6 weeks ago and has hatched out 4 chicks that are nearly 3 weeks old now.
The broody is in a separate pen with an attached run, that runs side by side with the main coop and run, so they are all able to see each other all day, every day.
Today I decided to let everyone free range together, and test the waters, as to what what would occur between them.
It went pretty well, the other pullets basically ignored the chicks and went about minding their own business.
My concern is the broody and one of her sisters squared up to each other, feathers puffed out, chest pumping and pecking. It looked quite vicious, but no injuries or blood drawn.
Everyone else was fine with each other.
Is this normal?
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Glad to hear it's normal behaviour. I must admit, I was a bit scared to see them fight like that
I am aiming to let them all out together every day, under supervision, in the hope it helps to integrate the broody back to her flock and for the adults to accept the new chicks.

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