Broody hen in litter box. How will chicks get out?

Forgot to give us photos! We want to see the fun part, too! Like, how cute is that?! Brooding in a litter pan!

And what is a Speckled Sussex? sure we could look it up, but hey we're the kind of people who let our chickens demand tupperware, and we slave over them, so really it would be so much easier if you'd just post a picture?
So we can enjoy your adventure too?

6chickens in St. Charles :

yes, this.
Plus, she'll be very relaxed in her little spa, and that will help her be a good mother. She'll be able to show her babies how to eat and drink without distractions. Its only for a few days after hatching, maybe a week or two. If the other chickens can still be around her, and peer into her spa, she and her chicks won't be strangers when they enter the flock, it will be more of a little squabble over pecking order versus a mass murder of "flock invaders".

Exactly, First one I ever seen belonged to an old Cock fighter. These things are so easy to make using 1/2" square wire. It is stiff enough to hold the dome shape without any support. I have 6 of these. and I leave the chicks in by themselves after the Hen is ready to come out.
You will see there is a lot of room for several chicks to grow out. I also use them to grow out the Guinea's​
Here she is in her litter pan all fluffed up. I've been feeding her every day by putting some BOSS or feed in a corner and she scarfs it all up. Today she surprised me by hopping out of the nest to grab some BOSS I'd thrown on the coop floor for the others. The entire time she hasn't budged once when I've fed the rest of the flock. She must be tired of sitting there! LOL! My best guess is that she's got less than a week left of sitting. When she got up I picked up both the eggs she'd layed and they felt very light. Put them to my ear, but didn't hear anything. I sure hope I have a successful hatch. I regret not having shoved more eggs under her when she starting sitting as I've subsequently had to get rid of the roo (thanks to a complaining neighbor).

Don't want to be the barer of bad news but the eggs should be heavier now than when they started. But if she is eating and drinking while she sets get some more eggs asap. Candle the 2 that she has now. They should be completely dark with a small clear spot in the round end. If they are clear they are no good, mark them. Put the new eggs under her and most hens will keep setting until something hatches.
I do it all the time with my Cochins. Pull the babies as they hatch and raise them in a brooder, not yours but my Cochins. I raise chicks to sell so this way I get more chicks in a season. Cochiins are very broody. I have golf balls I put in with the eggs as soon as they lay their first one of the season and it gets them broody quicker.

P.S tell the neighbor to get his own Rooster. LOL If you live out of the city limits he can't complain.
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