Broody hen.not sure if the is the right area to ask this.but here goes.


11 Years
Apr 26, 2011
My hen went broody last Friday.A friend gave me nine eggs to put under her.(i have no rooster).I am concerned.I 'am not sure she has left the nest to eat or drink.Should i pull her off the nest.and put her in the run to eat.She not looking to good.
I am a newbie and have only had my small flock since September. I also have a broody hen (1st time) that is curently sitting. I was concerned about not seeing her eat or drink also. I just happened to be around the coop this past weekend & saw her fly out, drink alot, eat some feed I had put in a feeder in front of the coop door. She was only off the eggs 10 mins max. She ran really fast to the water dish and then to the food. Ate fast and then got right back on the eggs. Since then, I have seen her do this in the afternoon when I make a lot of noise with the feed & put it outside of the coop where she can see me from her box. She will not come out, until I walk away. Hopefully this helps. Maybe you are just not seeing her get up.

Francesca is a pretty friendly hen so I dared one night to get an egg from under her while she was sleepy (read this on another post) and I candled it with my 9 year daughter with me. It was a truly amazing sight to see the baby chick starting & we are sooooo excited to be expecting around April 15th. :)

Happy hatching!
Once my Grandfather, told me, "A cow knows more about being a cow, than you or I ever will." He ranched all his life.

The hardest part of having a broody hen, is LEAVING HER ALONE. Don't touch, don't bother. Make sure there is food and water available, and let her make the decisions.

well that and WAITING the 21 days
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Once my Grandfather, told me, "A cow knows more about being a cow, than you or I ever will." He ranched all his life.

The hardest part of having a broody hen, is LEAVING HER ALONE. Don't touch, don't bother. Make sure there is food and water available, and let her make the decisions.

well that and WAITING the 21 days
X2 There is no reason to pull her off the nest. Think about this. Chickens have been reproducing for thousands of years without human intervention. Sometimes a broody will abandon the nest if you bother them. Really. She'll be fine.

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