broody hen others stop laying?


10 Years
Jun 23, 2009
Purty sure we have a broody hen YAY! hasnt left the nest in two days other then to eat.
but we have gone from about 10 eggs a day to 2 eggs - broody has 5 under her and that amount isnt growing so whats up with my other ladies?
another question if the eggs hatch will they be ok with the general population as in the rest of the girls and the roos. I have one really aggressive roo ( mean bleeper)
Once those eggs hatch, momma hen will be pretty agressive. Everyone will keep their distance, after a few days. They seem to enjoy checking out the new peeps too. By 2 weeks, mom will calm down, your flock will be happy.
Ok so now i removed 2 eggs last night to make it 5 eggs under what I think is miss broody - today there is another egg in the nest....? normal or not?
How long will broody momma leave the nest for and what is a way I can mark what I think is the broody mama - my chickens are not handled chickens so catching and putting a ring around her leg might not be possible.
its a brown leg horn. + freaking rooster attacks anything in the coop or run lol.
Yeah the other hens get in there and lay eggs. If you want to keep up with which eggs are fresh and which ones you want to hatch, take a pencil or marker of some sort and put a mark on each of the eggs so you can see it when you go out to gather the others.

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