Broody hen question


11 Years
May 1, 2012
In my coop i have a nest made of metal and wire mesh bottom incline so that the eggs roll and hide under a cover,
a hen insisted to incubate the wires i took a box nest and straw some eggs and put her in but ..... she got up and went to incubate the wire to make a long story short i put straw on top of the wire the eggs and she stays put she is on the 4th day and she does not even get out to eat and drink
the question that i need your help is : the nest is at 2 may be more feet high what do i do when the chicks hatch it is impossible for them to get down also to go up and what happens if they do not hatch all at once so that the hen has to go buck and forth from the newly hatch to the eggs she can do it but the babies impossible (excuse my English)
any ideas help are welcome
Mother nature solved my problem two days ago i found her on the floor with one chick calling the others that were in the nest two feet off the ground i do not know how she manage to get this one down (all hatch at the same time 9 out of 11 two were not fertile) i took the rest and gave them to her how happy she was

Congrats my girls usually don't get up until until a chick falls out then she jumps down to protect it and calling to the others. Then I put them in the brooder house. It's easier to get her in it because she follows the babies trying to bite me. She only stayed there for about a week and half, now she's back in the coop, in the nesting boxes. Of course her babies are getting bigger so she keeps kicking my broody d'uccle out of the larger nest. Luckily I haven't gave her any eggs. Tonight is her lucky night, for the first time mommy.
Thanks so that's the answer how one got down it dropped down and she went to protect it i have a lot to learn thanks again
When my bantam broody set on eggs in the upper deck, we let her stay there until they hatched. When they all hatched out, we moved them downstairs. She was easy to move because she followed her babies. So just wait until they hatch and then move them.
That is exactly what i did i wish i knew it before it would save me a lot of frustration

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