Broody hen, Texas heat


Mar 31, 2022
Hey everyone,
I'm in east Texas, and we are currently experiencing record breaking temps. So of course, one of my hens decided to go broody. Most days this week will be in the upper 90s-lower 100s. My coop is ventilated, but even so temps are in the low hundreds inside at the heat of the day. I generally take a very hands off approach with my chickens, I figure they know more about how to chicken than I do, but the care taker in me can't help but be worried about her in this heat.
We live completely off grid, and have no way to get power to the coop for a fan or anything like that. We also live in an RV, so there's no room to bring her inside. I'm planning to offer some electrolytes in a little bit, but I'm interested in any other ideas or suggestions y'all may have.
I saw your reply on my post and thought I would reply on your post. I feel your pain, I worry about my girl every day, can't believe she is getting through this heat! I did prop open the nesting box door a little to help with ventilation, not sure if it is helping much. We got up to 108 degrees today! When are yours due to hatch? We only have 5 days left.
I saw your reply on my post and thought I would reply on your post. I feel your pain, I worry about my girl every day, can't believe she is getting through this heat! I did prop open the nesting box door a little to help with ventilation, not sure if it is helping much. We got up to 108 degrees today! When are yours due to hatch? We only have 5 days left.
We just got started 😨. She just started brooding last night. The coop got up to 111 at the heat of the day. I tried opening the hatch, but she hated it. It's so warm she's not even sitting on the eggs, just sitting next to them. I am just gonna keep an eye on her, and try to trust that she knows what she's doing .
Yea, I think that is all we can do. Everytime I check on my girl, her name is Rose, she is on the eggs. I am hoping she gets a hatch, I'm worried that this heat has killed the eggs. I will let you know if we get any chicks. I'm rooting for your hen and praying for a break in this heat!!!
Yea, I think that is all we can do. Everytime I check on my girl, her name is Rose, she is on the eggs. I am hoping she gets a hatch, I'm worried that this heat has killed the eggs. I will let you know if we get any chicks. I'm rooting for your hen and praying for a break in this heat!!!
A break in the heat, and some rain! Good luck to Rose, I hope you both get some Chickies.

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