Broody Hen Thread!

Hi the there I've got two silkies that I want to sit eggs but every time they sit them they get back of in two or three day's later. I said on the internet if you block the light out it will mack they sit?

Do you have any suggestions to make them sit all the time.
She won't stay on the nest to hatch the later eggs.  Be sure you have an incubator fired up and ready to go when she takes the one hatchling and abandons the nest to care for it.  You will probably have to raise the babies in a brooder -- in my experience (limited), that will be too much of a difference in age for her to take the new ones.

Before the first egg hatches I am going to move her and her eggs to the room where my brooders are. I am going to set up an area for her to hatch her eggs and hopfully she will still want to hatch the other two when the baby hatches, but if she doesnt I will have to find some way to make or buy an incubator.
My broody is on three eggs.One is hatching on May 3rd the other two are hatching on the 10th.I think she is on two SS and one araucana. I will post picks of mom and babies.
<3 wolf-hen

Most broodies will not go for that. she will probably hatch the first ones then leave the nest unless you removed the first hatch right after it hatches so she will stay and hatch the others. I would never do a staggered set like that---well I personally would not do a due today and others due tomorrow type set-----just to much headache. set them all at the same time, let them hatch at the same time---makes life simple.
Most broodies will not go for that. she will probably hatch the first ones then leave the nest unless you removed the first hatch right after it hatches so she will stay and hatch the others. I would never do a staggered set like that---well I personally would not do a due today and others due tomorrow type set-----just to much headache. set them all at the same time, let them hatch at the same time---makes life simple.

I wish I could have them hatch at the same time but my hen acually stole two of the eggs and she attacks anyone who tries to take her eggs. I might just move the first hatched baby to the brooder with the other chicks, then move my hen to an area to raise and hatch her other two.
My broody is on three eggs.One is hatching on May 3rd the other two are hatching on the 10th.I think she is on two SS and one araucana. I will post picks of mom and babies.
<3 wolf-hen

One other thing----how you know one will hatch may 3rd, etc--LOL. that reminds me of something I have heard all my life----"never count your chicks before the eggs hatch". Good Luck!
Hi the there I've got two silkies that I want to sit eggs but every time they sit them they get back of in two or three day's later. I said on the internet if you block the light out it will mack they sit?

Do you have any suggestions to make them sit all the time.
Hi could you give me any tip to get my silkies to sit.
LOL, put on a coat and a glove and get the eggs when needed. Did you see her steal the eggs or Is she where other hens can get to her nest and lay a egg---while she is off eating or just joining her?

She sat in the nest while the hen was gone and attacked the hen when she came back so i gave her the egg she has been sitting on since the 12th.

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