Broody Hen Thread!

When it is really hot, I switch to incubator hatching and give the babies to broodies. I had one stinker egg kill 6 out of 10 chicks immediately and another 2 a couple days later. It stunk to high heaven and I don’t want to go through that again.
I just noticed that Bertha was out in the yard, so I ran out to look at the 9 eggs in the nest. 1 was all the way cracked, another 3 had some cracks, and the other 5 are intact but goopy from the broken eggs. I scooped out all the eggs and nasty bedding, put in clean bedding and put the unbroken 5 eggs back in. I'm wondering if the goop on them will compromise their hatchability? It's my understanding that the shell has to be permeable and it won't be now, at least not totally. Should I get rid of these eggs and see if she'll stop being broody?
Yes. I may have triggered the broodiness. I was getting home late and didn't get all the eggs in and she started sitting on some, then I put more under her. Not good timing.
I wouldn't mind a hatch every 4 months or so. Fill the freezer. I'll get rid of the goopy eggs and turn her out of the nest tomorrow. Have my right arm in a cast and not moving very well at the moment. Daylight helps a lot when you only have 1 hand.

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