Broody Hen Thread!

Good luck to you and your Silkie.

Eggs set at the same time hatch approximately at the same time (within a day or so).  In that regards, it doesn't matter when they were laid but when they were set (put into the incubator or under the hen). It is always best to set all eggs at the same time to incur an even hatch and avoid staggered hatchings (much harder on a broody as she may attend to the older chicks leaving the eggs, or tend to the eggs not tending to the older chicks).

However, you may see a distinct fertility difference in the older eggs vs. the younger eggs. 2 weeks is fairly old for an egg to remain fertile depending upon how they were's about the maximum of age for setting....1 week is more likely to hatch better. It's best to set eggs within a few days. After 10 days, it gets dodgier whether they'll hatch simply because the egg cell (blastodisk) is older.

Lady of McCamley
. Thank you .
I fear I may have another going Broody! The one in the front has no eggs under her.
I fear I may have another going Broody! The one in the front has no eggs under her.

Lol! On my phone and my new progressives that looks like a stuffy big bird. I think I should have my prescription rechecked! I'll have to see it on my computer.

I can empathize with you as no sooner have I tried to integrate my little chicks into the flock today, I believe one of the mommas is attempting to go broody again!
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I fear I may have another going Broody! The one in the front has no eggs under her.

Yes...broodieness is often may find the other bird has no eggs yet ;-) They can be very good at sneaking eggs from the other bird.

Lol! On my phone and my new progressives that looks like a stuffy big bird. I think I should have my prescription rechecked! I'll have to see it on my computer.

I can empathize with you as no sooner have I tried to integrate my little chicks into the flock today, I believe one of the mommas is attempting to go broody again!

I do hope have to be a regular here :D
Lady of McCamley
Yes...broodieness is often may find the other bird has no eggs yet ;-)  They can be very good at sneaking eggs from the other bird.

I do hope have to be a regular here :D
Lady of McCamley

Noooo! "I" planned for spring! BO's and wyandottes! I haven't even started on the coop expansion! Aye ya yi!

I don't have a rooster and yet Harmony and Bo are already very willing when I pet them!

can we not all do this together at 6 months 3 months whatever it is! I'm no way ready to do it again so soon! I was finally able to use my built in vacuum cleaner today after 11 weeks of them being in the room that has the vacuum in it! didn't want to terrorize them all this time.

No No No!

no wonder I am finding others eggs on the roost, in the green house, on the ground outside. they won't leave the one and only nest they will all use!

Life is chickens from here on in....
Noooo! "I" planned for spring! BO's and wyandottes! I haven't even started on the coop expansion! Aye ya yi!

I don't have a rooster and yet Harmony and Bo are already very willing when I pet them!

can we not all do this together at 6 months 3 months whatever it is! I'm no way ready to do it again so soon! I was finally able to use my built in vacuum cleaner today after 11 weeks of them being in the room that has the vacuum in it! didn't want to terrorize them all this time.

No No No!

no wonder I am finding others eggs on the roost, in the green house, on the ground outside. they won't leave the one and only nest they will all use!

Life is chickens from here on in....
.....should have given the "enabler alert" first....LOL

I started with one simple...oh, isn't that cute...she's broody...but didn't have success...such disappointment! It drove me to GET a broody (purchased a Silkie proven to be a broody).

Then I discovered the freedom of no heat lamps and no chicks in the garage with all the dust mess (trust me...husband was VERY patient with all that dust over his motorcycle, but there does come a limit to any man's patience with his wife's hobby) and the added benefit of no more burned down coops (God was watching as we only lost the coop and chickens....could have been the house and neighborhood)

So now, I've fallen into a regular routine...adding 2 or 3 to my flock at a time every 3 or 4 months to refresh my egg layers (we NEED eggs)...I have a friend who takes my older birds...2 or 3 at a for me, I'm in chick/broodyland permanently.

You are of course aware that many lines of Buff Orps are notorious for going broody...right?

My Wyandottes...meh...haven't seen them even contemplate it.

...and definitely wait until spring when you can have it all sane...until then....

Live vicariously with us

Lady of McCamley
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.....should have given the "enabler alert" first....LOL

I started with one simple...oh, isn't that cute...she's broody...but didn't have success...such disappointment! It drove me to GET a broody (purchased a Silkie proven to be a broody).

Then I discovered the freedom of no heat lamps and no chicks in the garage with all the dust mess (trust me...husband was VERY patient with all that dust over his motorcycle, but there does come a limit to any man's patience with his wife's hobby) and the added benefit of no more burned down coops (God was watching as we only lost the coop and chickens....could have been the house and neighborhood)

So now, I've fallen into a regular routine...adding 2 or 3 to my flock at a time every 3 or 4 months to refresh my egg layers (we NEED eggs)...I have a friend who takes my older birds...2 or 3 at a for me, I'm in chick/broodyland permanently.

You are of course aware that Buff Orps are notorious for going broody...right?

My Wyandottes...meh...haven't seen them even contemplate it.

...and definitely wait until spring when you can have it all sane...until then....

Live vicariously with us

Lady of McCamley
Lady of McCamley,

how was your broody not successful? I guess I am getting ahead of myself here and should just wait and see what happens with my broody too. Don't count your chickens 'till they hatch, right? I hope to be in chick/broodyland permanently too!!

I wanted to add also that I candled last night, I *think* 10 out of 12 eggs have babies in them, but I am new so. It was very cold so I didn't take pictures. Just in an out!
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Lady of McCamley,

how was your broody not successful? I guess I am getting ahead of myself here and should just wait and see what happens with my broody too. Don't count your chickens 'till they hatch, right? I hope to be in chick/broodyland permanently too!!

I wanted to add also that I candled last night, I *think* 10 out of 12 eggs have babies in them, but I am new so. It was very cold so I didn't take pictures. Just in an out!
She didn't stay the course...and then never went broody again.

So much can happen with fickle broodies...and with each clutch....infertile eggs, eggs too old (I have to purchase eggs as I don't keep a rooster), hens that don't stay the course, hens that don't go broody often enough, hens that stay broody but don't settle on the nest but migrate between nest boxes abandoning eggs, hens that break eggs because they are clumsy, etc., etc.

I learned that a good broody (and mother) is a gift from God not to be taken for granted, so I take advantage if at all possible and somewhat close to reasonable when the hen is in the mood. You never know what tomorrow may bring (from a raccoon to illness to.....)

It is farming, afterall.

Lady of McCamley
OK, so I went to check the girls and I heard peeping!!! Checked under mom and no babies yet, but 1 had a hole... coming soon I guess. I put up a small board across the opening ( about 4 inches tall)

~~Lady of McCamley, another question... how do I keep babies water from freezing? I have heated water for the flock, but the babies can't get to that as it is off the ground. If I don't put the light into that area, it would freeze.... I guess I have to add the light... any ideas?

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