Broody Hen Thread!

My little serama has been sitting on a Sumatra/Silkie egg for about 21-23 days (I can't remember the exact date I put the egg under her, around July 7th-9th). I've been having concerns because this is such an odd mix and my Serama is a brand new broody - this is her first egg. I've seen a lot of growth to the point where the egg is black with a huge air cell! I also think it moved the other day, and I may candle it again today. I've been trying to keep it untouched but I have yet to see any pips, peeps, or zipping. I'm just concerned that this chick may have had a late death, or is a late hatcher? Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Cheep to it. Does it respond?
Cheep to it. Does it respond?

I tried cheeping to it but I heard nothing. I took some pictures this time:




I tried to show an arrow for myself where I thought the head was
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You could. I've never used it, as it just seems like it would drown them. But a ton of other people do it successfully, so you could try.

Yes, I hear a lot of back and forth about that but I've also never heard about opening the eggs aircell (not doubting you at all!) I just want the safest way to know if (s)he's okay.
That egg looks delayed, if it is supposed to be day 21. Too much fluid in it. If you watch it for a while while candling, do you see any movement at all? Is Mama still sitting? The only thing that a float test will tell you is if the chick is moving in the egg at the time of the float test. Sleeping chicks won't be moving, so... the egg won't wobble in the water. I've tried floating a couple of times, and found it to be not at all helpful (IMO) Were there other eggs that hatched? Any chance that this egg was a late entry to the game? You could give it an other 2 days and candle again. If no change, I'd pull it. Sometimes broody eggs are delayed in hatching, though i doubt this would be the case with all the heat we've been having. I wish you the best. I have my first broody in about 45 years! But, have enjoyed 4 good hatches in my home made bator in the past 3 years.
Wishing I'd have let Betty sit on two eggs. Poor little Peeper is getting left more and more by herself now that Betty is off doing her own thing. Sometimes she just stands around and cheeps because she's suddenly by herself. It's the most pitiful thing I've seen.
Leave them under her. I just had a hatch of five...and when I candled them I saw the same thing you described...didn't hear a single peep..but they all hatched out..slowly but they give get some more time...even a couple days..let us know how it goes.good luck!!!
I did the float trick with my eggs and only one or two eggs moved....all 8 hatched and are all very much alive. Honestly I would give it a few days, chick doesn't seem like she is filling the available non-air sac space yet.

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