Broody Hen Thread!

Well, looks like she's adamant. Even tried to fluff up at me when I gathered eggs today. Guess I'll give her the few I saved just in case and let her keep what's laid over the weekend. I'll definitely be marking the ones she keeps so I can gather any extras. Who wants barnyard mixes in southwest Missouri?
I swear ours go broody at the same time! Mille is out deciding day 2. I'm wondering if I let her if I can put the bantams in the incubator under her. Only cause they are do in a week . Has anyone ever given eggs that will hatch early to a broody? she would only sit for a week. Will she know and reject them ?
The grey chick is a mystery. It's supposed to be a mille fleur leghorn but I can't find photos anywhere online of a grey one so I'm wondering if it's an egg mix up.
Here's a better photo of the grey chick if anyone has any ideas. Sure is a cute thing!!!
This little one was the first to hatch.

This has been an exciting experience for a relatively new chicken lady. I've only had chickens since last year.

I would say the grey chick is about the cutest little thing I've seen in a long time! sigh.....I'm going to end up putting eggs under my silkie next year, I just know it (they are pretty obsessed with the effort, aren't they?)
silkie seems to be up and about much of the day today. Maybe the very cold couple of days and nights have made her decide this invisible batch of eggs is hopeless. At least she's not kicking the other hens around and charging at the dog like some demented little bolster cushion.
If they hatch we will have hatch day babies together! I put 4 under my little EE silkie cross today.

Well, after a long and eventful day the hen is settled in and ready for 21 days of incubation. She is sitting on a clutch of 20 eggs and covering them all with ease. The eggs are a mixed bag of barnyard mutts, Ancona, Brown Leghorn, Light Sussex, Buff Pekin and Mottled Pekin all over a Barred Rock too. We have only had him for a month so it is hard to tell whether the eggs are fertile or not and the although he mounts the Pekins I doubt that he has been able to fertile their eggs. I guess only time will tell. 21 days and counting!!
I will be getting buff orpingtons which are known to have there share of being broody but the problem is that i only have one nest box what would happen if more than one went broody!?!?!?!?
I hope that doesn't happen.
I will be getting buff orpingtons which are known to have there share of being broody but the problem is that i only have one nest box what would happen if more than one went broody!?!?!?!? 
I hope that doesn't happen.

You'll be needing another nest box for sure. If even one goes broody, the others will still need a place to lay their eggs.

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