Broody Hen Thread!

That is a perfect description of my Japanese bantam hen. She is henzilla when she's broody. Her "baby" is 14 weeks and I've seen her chase off my 22 week olds if they get too close.
June my Tetra Tint is a protective mom. She chased the rooster away when he got too close for her liking. She is small but fierce.
Two of our barnyard mixes decided to go broody, actually the black one (Watson) went first and her buddy Buffy joined her 5 days later. They are only 7 months old themselves, having hatched here with 2 of our winter broodies.
They weren't due till tomorrow but I guess no one told the chicks that! 2 out so far...


And Mindy is keeping an eye on them!
I had to put the chicks in the brooder the mama wasn't letting them eat and drink and keeping them warm found one chick calling out this morning next to her but no response from her. Only one egg left that is a prospect hatch if she can hang out for two more days to hatch it!!
I had to put the chicks in the brooder the mama wasn't letting them eat and drink and keeping them warm found one chick calling out this morning next to her but no response from her. Only one egg left that is a prospect hatch if she can hang out for two more days to hatch it!!

This is the exact reason that staggered hatches are so problematic and should be avoided when at all possible. The hen isn't being a bad mother, she is facing a horrible for eggs or care for chicks. if you want her to hatch out the remaining egg then you have done right by moving the chicks to a brooder, you may be able to graft them back to her in a day or two, but it will be iffy if it is much more than that.
Another option would be to set up an incubator for the remaining eggs and let her have the chicks, then graft the late hatchers back to her after they are dry.

It wasn't a staggered hatch it was day 19 the lavendar laced Cochins hatched! Early! There is still a cuckoo maroon (don't know how to spell that) that appears it will hatch on day 21 which is tomorrow
I had two different hens each hatch out One baby each. The first one hatched last Monday, and the second one on Wednesday. Everything has been going great until today. This morning one of the chicks turned up missing. The yard that they are in is enclosed and there are no other chickens missing. I don't see any way in or out of the coop or yard other than where I enter. I don't see a body and have no idea now what could've happened to the baby. I am starting to wonder if I should take the other baby a way to prevent that one from coming up missing as well. Any ideas of what could've happened to this baby? Like I said there are no other chickens missing, no feathers, and no body. I am however extremely upset.
It wasn't a staggered hatch it was day 19 the lavendar laced Cochins hatched! Early! There is still a cuckoo maroon (don't know how to spell that) that appears it will hatch on day 21 which is tomorrow

I don't mind keeping the babies in the brooder I have the ecoglow 20 and it works great for chicks.

Some breeds tend to hatch earlier than others, and sometimes you get an overachiever or two... since you set them at the same time you should be ok and the chicks spending a day or so in the brooder should be ok, having an ecoglow style should make grafting even smoother if you decide to go that route.
If it is really warm the hen may not fuss much about a chick roaming and our hens don't leave the nest till day two or three and it isn't a problem since the chicks are good till day 3 after absorbing the yolk.
Yeah I think that the chicks will really like to be with the broody hen I'm really hoping on that other egg to hatch too I really would like to have three we'll see what happens if it doesn't hatch by Wednesday I guess I'll have to pull it

Some breeds tend to hatch earlier than others, and sometimes you get an overachiever or two... since you set them at the same time you should be ok and the chicks spending a day or so in the brooder should be ok, having an ecoglow style should make grafting even smoother if you decide to go that route.
If it is really warm the hen may not fuss much about a chick roaming and our hens don't leave the nest till day two or three and it isn't a problem since the chicks are good till day 3 after absorbing the yolk.

My four chick hatched today, it was suppose to hatch tomorrow. The other 3 hatched this weekend. But there is 1 that should be hatching tomorrow or Wednesday and 4 more by the end of this weekend should grace our present. Hopefully both or at least one of the hens stay brooding. The four chick seem go back and forth to each hen.
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