Broody Hen Thread!

I have black copper marans and a black star hen. Do these birds go broody?
I don't think Black Stars are supposed go broody, but mine did last fall and she was an excellent mother. I'm hoping she'll brood again for me this spring, but nothing yet...

In general, hatchery birds are supposed to have the broody instinct bred out of them, and particularly high-production breeds like black stars. But obviously, as with my hen that's not always the case. There are certain breeds that tend to go broody more than others, and I think you may have a better chance with one from a smaller farm vs. a hatchery.

...are you looking for a broody hen, or do you think you may have one?
I just have the itch for babies lol. Originally my kids won her at a festival. She's consistent with her eggs and the marans we have all lay in a pile so I want one to go broody. I have fake eggs in the nest to try to get them broody but will probably have to incubate.
I have black copper marans and a black star hen. Do these birds go broody?

We had an ex-battery hen go broody the year after we got her (the last type of hen on the earth you would expect to go broody). Basically any hen could go broody. Depends on the hen, But your doing the right thing, leave lots of eggs in the nest box and see what happens!
For my broody, I opened the door to here broody box at 4pm each day and she would jump out and drink, eat etc...But some of my hens last year wouldnt jump of so I just picked her up and put her on the floor and she soon gained interest in the food and ran around for 10-15mins before she wanted to get back on the egss!
In their brains the signals/hormones to stay on the eggs is sometimes stronger in some hens than others.
If your hen doesnt get of the nest you should pick her up. However how big is the area she is in? if she has access to a run she may be getting of the nest when your not there.
My broody hens are in dark boxes and so I know when I go at 4pm she hasnt been of the nest and I let her out.
Be sure though, you dont want to pull her of the nest if she has already been off it 2 hours ago for example.
Thanks London Hens for your input. I have figured out that she's getting off the nest around noon each day. I'm find a HUGE poop everyday in the run. And I can tell that she's eating/drinking. She's in her own little pen. I'm very excited and hope she hatches a few.

Here's a picture of my broody with her head showing this time :)

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