Broody Hen Thread!

My eggs have arrived but my incubator is arriving tomorrow so how do I store them and how long should I leave them at the most
Please help
Eggs can be stored for hatching over two weeks. Store in egg carton fat end up on your kitchen counter. Don't put them in the incubator until you've set it up and running and have gotten the temperature correct. I take a day adjusting incubator. Plug it in and wait 2 hours, make adjustment and wait 2 hours etc.
Uggh. Day 22, broody girl still on her nest and has not moved in 24 hours. I brought her food and a little bit of water and what does she do, spill the water INTO her nest.
And it just happens to be the coolest day of the month today. I sure hope her eggs/babies didn't get wet...
Well my 2 mothers have hatched 4 out so far. I saw them when the silkie moved. I'm not daft enough to try move a growling O Shamo hen to see if there are any more. I'll know in a couple of days and hopefully have a few pictures of the new arrivals.

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