Broody Hen Thread!

Still nothing going on with my broody and her eggs. She has not gotten off the nest all day, and she has always gotten up by now. I'm not sure if any eggs will be hatching...
Ok I have posted on this thread before and it is very helpful so I thought that this would be the best place to ask... I have a broody Wyandotte sitting on 14 eggs right now and 6 of them are on day 18 and the other 8 eggs are up to a week behind... I've set everything up to where the chicks and momma would be fine where they are once the first hatch and need food so I'm wondering if the momma will stay on the rest of them until they hatch?
Found one of my Buff Orpington/Rhode Island Red cross girls setting last night and moved her to a more secluded location (nest box and all) I'm adding eggs til I get her up to 12. She's got 6 under her right now and will hopefully get the rest tonight out of my other hens to finish the dozen out. They'll be either pure Buff or 3/4 Buff 1/4 RIR.

I hope she stays broody and most of em hatch!
Ok I have posted on this thread before and it is very helpful so I thought that this would be the best place to ask... I have a broody Wyandotte sitting on 14 eggs right now and 6 of them are on day 18 and the other 8 eggs are up to a week behind... I've set everything up to where the chicks and momma would be fine where they are once the first hatch and need food so I'm wondering if the momma will stay on the rest of them until they hatch?
No, usually, after the first set hatch the broody gets up, specifically so that she can feed and water the new babies. She does usually continue to sit tightly for a day or two after the first one hatches....but not for a week.

I would try to take out the first set as they hatch, brood them in the house, and try to reintroduce them when the second set hatches.

But, I don't know if there is any way to know what is 'best' as each broody is so very different.
Thank you! Great advice. I don't think I can move her as she is not in a nesting box. I am going to try to catch her off the eggs tomorrow and mark them. The other hen is on the roost tonight, probably because Nugget has all the eggs under her. Nugget came out briefly today but went right back to it and is not roosting. I was happy to see her out to eat. Wish the other hens would lay elsewhere.

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