Broody Hen Thread!

i have a OEG in 9 of her own eggs. How can you tell by the coloring which is a cockerel or pullet? I would love to know. Thanks in advance !

The females have strong very dark/black eyeliner that extends quite a ways. They also have a very noticeable dark V on the top of their heads. The males may have brown eyeliner, sometimes a full brown eyeline and often little or none. See below:

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The females have strong very dark/black eyeliner that extends quite a ways. They also have a very noticeable dark V on the top of their heads. The males may have brown eyeliner, sometimes a full brown eyeline and often little or none. See below:
That's cool, thank you ! Which I new when I picked my first 4 out. We only have 1 left now and she's a broody momma every few months. Super smart as well and clean. She's due to. Hatch Friday
let's see what I get...
That's cool, thank you ! Which I new when I picked my first 4 out. We only have 1 left now and she's a broody momma every few months. Super smart as well and clean.
She's due to. Hatch Friday
let's see what I get...

Yeah definitely post what you get! That example pic was posted on BYC and it really helped me, most sources just say "dark eyeliner" to identify females without specifying that some males do have lighter brown eyeliner. While some males have it their overall coloring is much lighter so it is obvious if you know exactly what you are looking for.

Yeah if you didn't know that when you picked chicks before then there is a good chance you would choose a "variety" of different colors/markings which would mean most would be male.
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Yeah definitely post what you get!  That example pic was posted on BYC and it really helped me, most sources just say "dark eyeliner" to identify females without specifying that some males do have lighter brown eyeliner. While some males have it their overall coloring is much lighter so it is obvious if you know exactly what you are looking for.

Yeah if you didn't know that when you picked chicks before then there is a good chance you would choose a "variety" of different colors/markings which means you would be choosing mostly males.
makes sense, when I got the first 4 I could tell the one that was light was a male and sure as ... It was the other 3 need up being pullets. We lost 3/4 hawk, maraeks and something else?? She's my best or should I say smartest! I want to keep a few of her pullets cause she's a great broody and top hen. As soonas she's done with her clutch or chicks about 8 weeks and lays. She makes her way back into the flock very aggressively and is too hen within 10 minutes. Even though she's the smallest. Thank you! I will post by Saturday. We have only lost one egg so far
Chicks from on of my 2 broodies started to hatch,so far i have 5/9 of which 2 are absolutely wet,and 3 are almost completely dry.I hope that i will get at least 7/9
makes sense, when I got the first 4 I could tell the one that was light was a male and sure as ... It was the other 3 need up being pullets. We lost 3/4 hawk, maraeks and something else?? She's my best or should I say smartest! I want to keep a few of her pullets cause she's a great broody and top hen. As soonas she's done with her clutch or chicks about 8 weeks and lays. She makes her way back into the flock very aggressively and is too hen within 10 minutes. Even though she's the smallest. Thank you! I will post by Saturday. We have only lost one egg so far

I know what you mean about those little birds, so smart and pretty! I can also sympathize about them being taken by predators, last year my girls hatched out a batch of 6 bantam chicks and all were taken by a rat snake when they were 6-8 weeks old. Truly heartbreaking.

These chicks are from my bb red hen and she is the sassiest and friendliest of the bunch. The broody is an oegb quail hen. As you can see sexing these two was very easy, if the eggs weren't from my own bantam I would wonder if they were even full siblings.

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We are first-timers with a broody Orpington. She has been on 5 fertilized eggs for about 19 days now. Again, this is a first for us, so any advice would be appreciated. She is separated from the rest of the flock but beyond that, we have no idea what to do, if anything. HELP!
We are first-timers with a broody Orpington. She has been on 5 fertilized eggs for about 19 days now. Again, this is a first for us, so any advice would be appreciated. She is separated from the rest of the flock but beyond that, we have no idea what to do, if anything. HELP!
Welcome to BYC!

I just make sure she has food and water and a safe nest. She will do the rest. Do you have any specific questions?

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