Broody Hen Thread!

I have a very broody buff. I continue to take her out of the coop but she looses her mind and I'm loosing mine the poor girl. So here's my question I dint have a Roo but do have access to some hatchling eggs I had 3 hens but the neighbors dog got to her. Should I get her an egg to hatch and if I do does this stop the brooding Once the egg hatches??

Give her some eggs!
Yes, although some will go broody again maybe just once a year. A hen of mine went broody 2 yrs ago but hasn't since then, after she was broody 2 months I finally gave her fertile eggs and she was a wonderful mama to the chicks.
Now I have her sister broody and just a week to go until the chicks should hatch.
this was my question too! if she hatches eggs will it break the broody cycle?

When the eggs hatch the broody needs to chase the chicks around and take care of them for several weeks so yes, it breaks the cycle. The hen may go broody again after the chicks are raised though.

It is also a heck of a lot of work and stress, not only sitting on the eggs and nearly starving, but keeping up with a bunch of hyper needy baby chicks afterwards. Don't let them stay broody for too long without a plan, either decide to get them eggs/chicks or discourage the broodiness.
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thanks for the advice! so the broodiness is easier to break the sooner you catch it? today was literally day one. i had a broody FBCM last summer who took 2 months to break. i finally had to put her in a dog crate. it was rough.....
i've ALWAYS wanted to hatch eggs just once but i didnt want to invest in an incubator. i figured if i have a broody hen i could just put them under her right?

Wait 3-4 days to make sure she is going to stay broody before you put hatching eggs under her. Also have her in a separate area of the coop. They are not machines, some make better mothers than others, have a backup plan (i.e. brooder) that can be set up if things take an unexpected turn.
today is lock down day for the incubator and my two broods will be hatched out by Saturday . All 3 broody coops are ready. I'll move my head hen tonight along with my cochin and leave mille in bantam coop. I already have one with 9 ocupinging 1/3 broody coops. Chicken galore here we go! Crossing fingers on one of my eggs under mille.
today is lock down day for the incubator and my two broods will be hatched out by Saturday . All 3 broody coops are ready. I'll move my head hen tonight along with my cochin and leave mille in bantam coop. I already have one with 9 ocupinging 1/3 broody coops. Chicken galore here we go! Crossing fingers on one of my eggs under mille.

If you are planning to move a hen setting on eggs you are risking a problem and this close to hatch may cause more problem than it prevents. My preference is to either move hens early or move them after they have hatched. Hopefully the move works for you but you should have a plan B in place in case the broody objects.

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