Broody Hen Thread!

Does anyone know why my polish frizzle hen isn't laying eggs? I have 2 other broody hens, is she being influenced by them? I checked her and I don't think she is egg bound.
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I have a white rock hen that has gone broody, I managed to get 5 fertile eggs from the neighbor. My question is if and when any hatch do I need to seperate her and the chicks from the rest of the hens? If so any suggestions on a good way to do this? Thanks.
I have a white rock hen that has gone broody, I managed to get 5 fertile eggs from the neighbor. My question is if and when any hatch do I need to seperate her and the chicks from the rest of the hens? If so any suggestions on a good way to do this? Thanks.
That's your call. If you got gentle hens you might be ok to leave her in place-----make sure the fertile eggs are Marked so you can remove fresh layed eggs in her nest DAILY.

I have had Soooooooooooooo many problems leaving my broodies with the rest----so I move ALL my broodies to a private hatching pen.
She is nesting on the floor of the coop she pulled all the shavings to a corner under the ramp to the nesting boxes. The fertile eggs are marked but she has at least a dozen unfertile eggs under her too. She carried the eggs from the nesting boxes down to her nest which I didn't know chickens could do. She is the dominate hen if that makes a difference.
Is there a chart to keep track of your broody hens progression such as the candling of the eggs, the date candled, outcome (veins development, black spot, movement) and the expected hatch date and actual hatch date. I am not sure what else might be needed but I have 2 broody now, and have a small written chart going with the numbered egg, egg color, date candled and if veins developed yet for that date, and if there is black spot yet.

I have developed an egg collecting chart that I am trying to get posted, but I don't want to try and create another chart. I will if I need to, but what other important information would be a good need to know?
She is nesting on the floor of the coop she pulled all the shavings to a corner under the ramp to the nesting boxes. The fertile eggs are marked but she has at least a dozen unfertile eggs under her too. She carried the eggs from the nesting boxes down to her nest which I didn't know chickens could do. She is the dominate hen if that makes a difference.

All the unfertile eggs need to be removed---they are taking up room and can cause her good eggs to get pushed to the outside---which would/could be a problem for the good eggs.You can do that at night if you want so she does not get as upset, but I would do it asap. If other hens can get to her nest they will lay eggs in her nest/beside it, etc.
Is there a chart to keep track of your broody hens progression such as the candling of the eggs, the date candled, outcome (veins development, black spot, movement) and the expected hatch date and actual hatch date. I am not sure what else might be needed but I have 2 broody now, and have a small written chart going with the numbered egg, egg color, date candled and if veins developed yet for that date, and if there is black spot yet.

I have developed an egg collecting chart that I am trying to get posted, but I don't want to try and create another chart. I will if I need to, but what other important information would be a good need to know?

I have set/hatched 100's of broodies and have never used a chart----do not need one for myself. You can make your own, collect info etc if you want a chart. My way is move her to a hatching pen and leave her 100% alone till she is off the nest with all her chicks. I never candle, never look under(mine is by herself keep in mind),never check while chicks are hatching----100% hands off. Just food and water a few feet away from her nest so she has to get off the nest to eat/drink/poop. All my broodies do a great job without my help and hatch 99.9% of the fertile eggs I put under them in the beginning.
I have set/hatched 100's of broodies and have never used a chart----do not need one for myself. You can make your own, collect info etc if you want a chart. My way is move her to a hatching pen and leave her 100% alone till she is off the nest with all her chicks. I never candle, never look under(mine is by herself keep in mind),never check while chicks are hatching----100% hands off. Just food and water a few feet away from her nest so she has to get off the nest to eat/drink/poop. All my broodies do a great job without my help and hatch 99.9% of the fertile eggs I put under them in the beginning.
Yeah, I have had broody before, I had 2 last year, and my silkie hatched out 3 of 7 eggs on New Years! I do the same thing, remove the momma bird a few days after setting to ensure she isn't going to abandoned the nest fully. I have both the Silkie and my Light brown Leghorn separated in separate cages, LBL has 12 and Silkie has 6. But with so many eggs now, I was thinking I need to keep track of which ones are developing properly and which might end up needing more time, because the ones that hatched on New Years, a couple more could have hatched if they were left just couple more days, but 1 broke, and another was abandoned and I tried to save it but it did not happen. Last year between the 2 broody, they hatched a total of 8! so I am hoping with this time around, they will be more successful.
because the ones that hatched on New Years, a couple more could have hatched if they were left just couple more days, but 1 broke, and another was abandoned and I tried to save it but it did not happen.
As I stated above---make you a list if you want---compile some info.

Let me say this---I set 67 (70 now) in the last year or so alone. I Collect and put fresh eggs under everyone hen when I set them(don't let them collect them]. Every Hen hatched 99.9% of the fertile eggs I put under them all hatched within probably 24 hours or less of each other and when all 67 hens left the nest I cleaned up the nest, checked all the left eggs and NONE that didn't hatch would have hatched in another day or so, because all were non-ertile eggs---except for one I recall that was crushed. Sure one gets broke once and a while, but "I" feel if all the eggs were fresh, all were set at the same time---a properly shaped nest, not to many eggs in the nest(which would cause some to be pushed out the side which could cause a delay in hatching) "I" feel 99% of the time they all will hatch with in say 24 hours or less from start to finish----or mine do. I just took 233 chick out the hatcher this morning----mainly all hatched within 24hrs of each other. "I" feel/have found out mtyself if they were set at the same time---they should all hatch close to each other----if not "I" feel most of the time it will be caused by other factors.
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