Broody Hen Thread!

Unless you have a web cam on her and watch it constantly throughout the hours of daylight, then I cannot see how anyone can say she didn't get off the nest. You just worry that she didn't get off and convince yourself of it. Broody hens are supposed to be sneaky. I've seen mine making a detour back to her nest when she knew I was watching to try to fool me about where her nest was. These are natural survival instincts and even though modern day hens have lost a lot of their wild ancestors behaviour, broodiness is one aspect where we get to witness it which is why it is such a thrill to watch them.
What makes you think she hasn't moved? They usually get off once a day for 10-20 mins for a quick leg stretch, bite to eat and most importantly a poop. Whilst broody hens can hold faecal matter for a couple of days, they should not go longer than that.... it stinks bad enough just held for one day! If you genuinely believe that she has not left the nest for 2 days then you need to be encouraging her to do so by lifting her off, rather than putting food and water within reach.
we had ours caged for 4 days,(she kept returning to an empty nest after we moved her) the food was right within reach, she hardly ate and hardly drank, and there was no sign of any pooh in her little area, and she went on jaunts outside sometimes over an hr (was summer though), the only time she soiled the nest was 3 days after hatching, but she was eating a lot more by then since the chicks were out exploring the coop
Unless you have a web cam on her and watch it constantly throughout the hours of daylight, then I cannot see how anyone can say she didn't get off the nest. You just worry that she didn't get off and convince yourself of it. Broody hens are supposed to be sneaky. I've seen mine making a detour back to her nest when she knew I was watching to try to fool me about where her nest was. These are natural survival instincts and even though modern day hens have lost a lot of their wild ancestors behaviour, broodiness is one aspect where we get to witness it which is why it is such a thrill to watch them.
i wouldnt say chickens have lost that many instincts, in tests on chicks blindfolded at hatching, they were seen scratching at dirt and feeding, they also ran away like they were being chased when they found something to eat, they couldnt learn this by watching or being taught, thats pure instict.
I removed the food and water yesterday morning, she followed it downstairs and ate some with her coopmates. She also took a dust bath in the evening, so I think removing the water and food really helped. Thank you for all of your responses!
So I have brought my broody in the garage to sit on some eggs. Stupid question but does she need a heat lamp as it's now just her and temps at night are low 40's. I put the heat lamp on lat two nights, but now I'm thinking that's a stupid idea as she IS the heat lamp. Shes in a 12x12 nest box fully enclosed with a towel over the door. Will that be warm enough??

p.s also she is not drinking, she'd eating fine and pooping when I take her out at night but she wont drink??
So I have brought my broody in the garage to sit on some eggs. Stupid question but does she need a heat lamp as it's now just her and temps at night are low 40's. I put the heat lamp on lat two nights, but now I'm thinking that's a stupid idea as she IS the heat lamp. Shes in a 12x12 nest box fully enclosed with a towel over the door. Will that be warm enough??

p.s also she is not drinking, she'd eating fine and pooping when I take her out at night but she wont drink??
Is it in the 40's in the garage or is that the outdoor temperature? Either way, I think the heat lamp is not needed. Might wrap something around the exterior to insulate it. Don't know what to tell you about her not drinking? My broody hen would only eat and drink when she went outside with the other chickens.
I have found that if you splash and scratch in the water bowl my broody would hop of her nest and run over its like she forgot she was thirsty until she heard the scratching and splashing
I'm worried about putting her out during the day with the other chickens incase it 'breaks' her broodyness, so I only let her out at night to have a poop, stretch her legs around the garage, she runs over to the food bowl and goes mad, but doesn't touch the water. hmm and yes 40f outside, not sure in the garage, it's not insulated though so does get cold in there. I didn't put the heat lamp on last night and she seems fine. She had a few sips of water this morning. Just going to keep offering it to her every hour or so
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So due to Misses Welsummer going broody, We now have three other hens who decide they want to sit in the nest boxes all day. Unfortunately we don't have the facility to let them all hatch eggs so close to winter so we have to keep putting them back outside. But this meme inspired me

[COLOR=1D2129]So due to Misses Welsummer going broody, We now have three other hens who decide they want to sit in the nest boxes all day. Unfortunately we don't have the facility to let them all hatch eggs so close to winter so we have to keep putting them back outside. But this meme inspired me [/COLOR]

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