Broody Hen Thread!

How cute!!! I love the little guys
I'm on day 19 my oeg is sitting on 4 of my Bantam Golden laced Cochin's eggs. They will be mixed, I have two roos neither are pure but both pretty. But I can't wait to see what I get!!!! You will get pic's soon as I have something!
I have a broody ISA Brown hen who won't leave her nest box even when there's nothing underneath her but straw. She puffs out her feathers, and growls at me! I have to open up the nest box lid and scoop her out a couple times a day so she'll get food and water. Somehow the other hens lay their eggs around her (in the same nest box) and that makes her ecstatic until I pull them all out from underneath. We don't have a rooster, so there's no sense leaving the eggs 'cause there's no hope for her hatching baby chicks.

Anybody else have a production hen go broody? I thought those instincts were mostly bred out of production breeds.
My first broody was a production hybrid. It's apparently rare but it does happen. Put some eggs in the freezer and lay those under her. Repeat every few hours until she leaves the nest box - it's the only effective way I've found of deterring broody behaviour. My Black Orpington has spent almost the entire summer broody. I let her hatch a clutch but she only laid for about two weeks after those had grown before going broody again! Nightmare. I love how pretty Orpingtons are but I won't be having another!
I had a blue bantam mix hen, Stella, hatch out a tiny black banty chick this AM. She had another egg under her, a Splash JG, but I put that in the incubator. She is now in the front yard with her new baby, and the 4 Guinea keets I hatched out. I thought it would be nice if she'd adopt I don't have to 'raise' them.

You just want to be sure she only has what she can cover and keep warm adequately. I had gone out of town once and had a chicken sitter and when I got back my broody silkies collected every egg and had tons under them!
I give my silkies no more than about 8 silkie eggs. A bigger hen could brood more.

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