Broody hen wont eat drink or poop

Oh man, my most broody-prone hen tries never to get off to eat and poops in the nest (and then I "get" to clean it out after I throw her out to eat). We just got done with a broody spell where she brooded an empty box for about two months in the cold b/c I don't want chicks in January. Wouldn't mind if she'd take a broody class or two from your guys' birds. I let her try one clutch last year and, shocker, no hatch rate. I think for some "broodies" it's just best to let them incubate golf balls and then give them new day olds you incubated yourself under supervision. Next round with my broody I hatched her some and brought her into the bathtub and "delivered" her some chicks. Thrilled her to pieces. I'm pretty sure she thinks that's just part of the whole process now. We've done it several times and to her, chicks are spawned in a bathtub after being taken off the nest for 21 days straight so her quarters can be de-pooped. She's a great and loving (terrifying) tiny silkie mom once the babies come, but her broody mode is broken. Some hens just come with a broken broody setting and in nature they would cull themselves and their offspring.
Well I left mine alone, we put water near her and food with protein treats where she could see it. She stayed in the nest and pooped, About day 10 I smelled it and we pickedher up, moved the eggs (which were clean) and put it an entirely new nest pad with new shavings after scraping it out the best I could. Put eggs back in, then hen who did nothing but whine the whole time. Yesterday morning, after seeing little rock-like poops, I gave her some chopped egg and she finally got of the nest to eat that. I was putting probiotics and electrolytes in the water. I think she was drinking small amounts. She got out to eat alittle feed this morning, then about 11:30, I heard a banging and she was running up and down the cage. I opened it and let her out. She went outside and started pooping, but she was straining. She went to the water and drank a lot then tried to poop, I tried to give her some greens when she looked like she wanted grass, but she went and took a very thorough dust bath. Got out and pooped (or tried to) again. Green, grainy diarrhea came out, but she was still straining, and I have a bad feeling about this. WHAT should I DO? I can't take her to the vet - the eggs are about four days from hatching.
Well I left mine alone, we put water near her and food with protein treats where she could see it. She stayed in the nest and pooped, About day 10 I smelled it and we pickedher up, moved the eggs (which were clean) and put it an entirely new nest pad with new shavings after scraping it out the best I could. Put eggs back in, then hen who did nothing but whine the whole time. Yesterday morning, after seeing little rock-like poops, I gave her some chopped egg and she finally got of the nest to eat that. I was putting probiotics and electrolytes in the water. I think she was drinking small amounts. She got out to eat alittle feed this morning, then about 11:30, I heard a banging and she was running up and down the cage. I opened it and let her out. She went outside and started pooping, but she was straining. She went to the water and drank a lot then tried to poop, I tried to give her some greens when she looked like she wanted grass, but she went and took a very thorough dust bath. Got out and pooped (or tried to) again. Green, grainy diarrhea came out, but she was still straining, and I have a bad feeling about this. WHAT should I DO? I can't take her to the vet - the eggs are about four days from hatching.
@Fowl Explorer start a new thread in the emergencies forum
I am new to chickens, and I have a broody chicken that’s sitting on 13 eggs. She was not getting up to eat , drink, or poop, so I put her a small bowl with water and one with food right next to her. She can reach it without having to get up. So far it has worked, I have seen her drink and eat here and there. And every few days she’ll get up and poop (really black and stinky). So far, she’s on day 11, I’m crossing my fingers and hopping to get baby chicks ver soon!

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