Broody hen

I couldn't help it, I candled early with good results! 3 out of four definitely have veins, can someone help me on the fourth one? The only good pic I got was of my second egg but they all looked the same, except the 4th one. The first pic is the egg that I am not sure about about, the second is one of the good eggs.
Yesterday was day 5, I will candle all my eggs again at day 10 and on egg 4 if it is still not showing much veining I will mark it and check again on day 14. I will post pics and keep you updated. I will check all of them again on day 18, and if I understand, after that you go into 'lockdown' and don't touch her until the chicks hatch? Also, the other egg looks good, right? Next time I candle I will try to take pics of all the eggs. Thank you!:highfive:
Yesterday was day 5, I will candle all my eggs again at day 10 and on egg 4 if it is still not showing much veining I will mark it and check again on day 14. I will post pics and keep you updated. I will check all of them again on day 18, and if I understand, after that you go into 'lockdown' and don't touch her until the chicks hatch? Also, the other egg looks good, right? Next time I candle I will try to take pics of all the eggs. Thank you!:highfive:
Lockdown is more for when you’re artificially incubating. When hatching with a broody, just let her do her thing. She may still get off the nest to take care of business. Don’t panic. Let her be. Chickens have been hatching eggs foe centuries without human intervention and are much better at it than we are. Even first time broodies. They come equipped with excellent instincts.
Ok, I try not to mess with her too much, most of my family is worried that she will abandon the eggs. She has been great so far. I found her poo this morning so she has been up and has seen the rest of my flock. Thank you @bobbi-j @aart @MGG and everyone else who has helped me.:thumbsup
I couldn't help it, I candled early with good results! 3 out of four definitely have veins, can someone help me on the fourth one? The only good pic I got was of my second egg but they all looked the same, except the 4th one. The first pic is the egg that I am not sure about about, the second is one of the good eggs.View attachment 2584119View attachment 2584118
That looks like a blood ring, but the embryo is still alive. Don't expect it to make it, but keep an eye on it.
Hi, I am new to this forum and seems like a good thread to join, sorry if I am being unintentionally rude. I have 6 hens, 3 feed store layers from last year and 3 older retirees from a local organic farm. 1 of each were acting a bit broody (sleeping on the eggs overnight and pecking when I wanted to take eggs, sitting on the nest for part of the day) and I want to hatch some chicks, so I bought a young Buff Orpington rooster from a friend. that was a week ago, and he has been mating for the last few days. they have 3 egg boxes and the girls have also made a big nest in a corner of the coop, where they have collected eggs for the last 3 days. this morning, nobody was sitting on the bigger group of eggs and they didn't feel warm to touch. should I leave them alone or take them out until someone is sitting more consistently? what is a normal pattern for a broody hen? I have hatched out previously but it was a while ago and I already had a rooster with them when they went broody.
thanks for any advice! Rachel

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