broody hen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Girl, I'm FABulous
8 Years
Dec 29, 2011
Warm.... Under a blanket... In Alaska...
so our Orp, Nugget, is broody! we have chicks (luckely) but should we bring her in the house, make her a nest, then have her 'hatch' chicks? We've only ever kept chickens for the summer as my dad does not like chickens but we got laying hens last year and one went broody, but we didnt have chicks, well now we have chicks, but i dont know how i would do it since ive heard that sometimes the other chickens will kill the chicks, and its 25 above outside, we have a heat lamp in their coop (we had like -50 for a couple weeks
) and they would be under a hen, Any ideas???
If you don't want chicks just pick up the eggs and don't let her set on any. That's what we do. We had broodies off and on all summer and fall and they were sitting on air - or each other, sometimes they decide to share a nesting box. In about three weeks they will usually go back to normal. I have some that get bored with it sooner than that. You can 'break' them sooner if you need to - use the forum search box for detailed info on doing that, but we never needed to do that.

Yeah -50 is darned cold. I've been to Alaska, but got out before it froze up!

Good luck!

deb g
If you don't want chicks just pick up the eggs and don't let her set on any. That's what we do. We had broodies off and on all summer and fall and they were sitting on air - or each other, sometimes they decide to share a nesting box. In about three weeks they will usually go back to normal. I have some that get bored with it sooner than that. You can 'break' them sooner if you need to - use the forum search box for detailed info on doing that, but we never needed to do that.

Yeah -50 is darned cold. I've been to Alaska, but got out before it froze up!

Good luck!

deb g
we have chicks but we dont know how to introduce them, should we make her a nest inside or just hope the other chickens wont kill them and its not too cold?

sorry if i worded it confusing
-50????? Holy cow!!!! That's cold.

Let me see if I understand your question. You have some chicks in the house and a broody hen in the coop. You want to know :
1. if you can put your chicks under the broody hen and if yes
2. whether you should do it in the coop (where is freaking cold.... but you have a heating lamp) or inside the house.

Is this correct?
Oh well I think I would keep the babies inside with or without the hen until they are bigger and/or it is warmer. Mama can go outside and the babies can go in a brooder in the house where it is warm and safe, which is less trouble (at least in my house) than having a mama hen inside, too.
-50????? Holy cow!!!! That's cold.

Let me see if I understand your question. You have some chicks in the house and a broody hen in the coop. You want to know :
1. if you can put your chicks under the broody hen and if yes
2. whether you should do it in the coop (where is freaking cold.... but you have a heating lamp) or inside the house.

Is this correct?

YES! but right now its 25 out, the -50 week is over. and its not freaking cold LOL, at least for alaskans 25 above is like heaven,

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