Broody Hen


8 Years
Mar 29, 2012
My Buff Orpingtons are 15 months old and they have gone broody,let's see I think this makes 3 times. The first time I sat her in a tub of water. The next time my hubby build a wire cage we call "the hole" which I put her in for a couple of days but this time, well she just wants to be a mom. Said thing is I don't have and don't want a rooster. If I could find some fertilized eggs I'd let her have at it!
You can buy fertile eggs from a hatchery. However, if I were you, I'd just get a rooster. I have three, Crow, RoHo, and Reuben. Reuben is about two and a half months old. He is a standard-size golden comet rooster. He is the only rooster in his coop. Crow and RoHo are banty roosters. They live in the same coop. They get along quite well unless RoHo annoys Crow. Then Crow mildly attacks RoHo. Roosters dispite what people say are sweet and gentle. The two banty ones even crow in my hands. I love roosters!
Also, I love Orpingtons! My first Orpington, Goldy just died, recently. I think she was an Orpington. I'm not sure, though. I, too, have a broody hen named Coffee. She has been broody for, I think, about two or three months. I can't make her stop. Cinnamon, my BB Red Bantam is broody now, too, but has been for only for a few days. Coffee is a bantam, too. Last year, Coffee hatched four chicks, Peepster, Flower, Donny, and my rooster, RoHo. Peepster and Donny died.
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I would if I lived in the country but I live in a neighborhood so a rooster is just not feasible but thanks!

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