Broody Hens


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014
I have two broody hens and no fertilized eggs or rooster they have been sitting for a week now. My concern is they are not eating or drinking anything either. Any suggestions how to get them to eat?
Do you want them to hatch eggs? (Are you waiting to get fertilized eggs?)

If not, it's best to "break" them. There are plenty of different ways to do this, just search for "how to break a broody hen."

When hens go broody they really limit the amount that they eat and drink so if you want them to eat and drink normally again, you have to break them.
I agree, you need to either break a broody or give her fertile eggs or day old chicks. A hen builds up a lot of extra fat so she can get by with not eating or drinking a lot when broody, but some will stay broody even when that fat pad is used up. A broody hen is also more susceptible to roost mites. In my opinion, if you are not going to let her raise chicks, it’s a kindness to break her from being broody. The cruel method is to not break her. This thread may help. I use the raised wire bottom method.

Break a Broody Thread

If you are going to give her fertile eggs or chicks, you just need to let her handle it. If she has a way to get out to the regular feed and water, she will leave her nest daily to go eat, drink, and poop. If you really wish to, you can set her off the nest once a day. Many will go eat and drink when you do that, but some will just go back on the nest. Broody hens have been doing this for thousands of years without any real help form humans.
I don't have rooster and I have not been able to get fertile eggs nearby. I decided to go out and get chicks and hoping this will break her. Any suggestion on introducing them to them. I have not done this before.
I've been successful putting them under her after dark. Get chicks as young as you can and just slip them under her. The older the chicks the more likely she is to reject them.

If you are getting them from a feed store, chat with them and see what day they get in new chicks so you can get really young ones.

Good luck!
Well the chick theory did not work so either I get fertilized eggs or wire cage. I think that I will go with the wire cage for a few days and hopefully that will break them. I physically removed them from the nest yesterday and today and locked them out of the nesting area. They are not happy but atleast got them eating. I will put them in the wire cage tonight and hoping in a few days they will be over this.
Go with the fertile eggs! baby chicks are adorible!
I have 6 baby red pullets right now I know they are cute. I also have 4 Pekin ducks about 2 months old which are so entertaining and love watching them grow I have had them since they were 5 days old. I just don't have access to fertilized eggs or know anyone close to me who has them.

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