Broody in Feb!!!??

Chicken Girl

11 Years
Dec 31, 2008
Ok so she did this to me last year in March. She hatched out 4 chicks. So should i let her do it agen in Feb??!! The coop is heated and it has a light. She is a cochin. Is it ok for her to do this!? Thanks!!

Chicken Girl
I had the SAME problem I had a blue cochin hen go broody last September and she also hatched our 4 chicks and she raised them and now the chicks are just HUGE and the hen was just fine! Go for it!
My partridge Cochin has been setting for a week now.

Let her do it.
Ok you all got me! I am going to let her! lol I think 5 or 6 eggs is good. I might get a bator and i have other hens that i just know are going to go broody! Ok so i have a lil box 2' wide 4-5' long i want to put her in there. How do i move her? I have other chikens that sit on top of the box at night. Thanks for the help!

Chicken Girl
Where are you in wisconsin? I'm in Waupaca.

I have a broody right now, too. Buck Creek Chickens, from Neenah, gave me some fertile Black Copper Marans to put under her. I should have chicks the day after Valentine's Day.
If all goes well.

Note my message at the bottom of my post. All are welcome! Come on over to the "cheeseheads". We have a great group there. Hope you see you there!
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My BO has been broody for a couple of weeks now. I tried to break her, but gave up last week. She is now sitting on 12 eggs. I fixed up the brooder pen for her, put her in at night on some golfballs. The next day she was still there, so I removed the balls and placed eggs under her. She hissed when I removed the golfballs, but as soon as the eggs were placed, she settled right in. I moved the food right next to her so she doesn't have to get up to eat. It is still very cold. She does have to get up to drink. The water is high on a cookie tin heater on a cement block. Things are looking good. This is my first attempt at hatching (her's too) so I'll not candle because of the cold. I'm waiting for the surprise around Feb. 18-20.

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