Broody lady/eggs/mites HELP!!


8 Years
Jun 17, 2011
San Diego
I have an extremely broody hen so I got some fertilized eggs for her, took the other 3 hens out of the coop(I didn't want to move her because she seems so fond of her nest), cleaned the coop...and noticed a few teeny tiny black bugs!! I know they must be mites...I Inspected the chickens and saw a few on them as well. One of the chickens had some bugs a little larger and yellowy?? in her vent area. What could those be?? The infestation doesnt seem to bad because there's caulk in all the corners of the hen house to help prevent hiding spots and i dusted the inside real well and didn't see anything. I have OCD issues so I normally notice as soon as anything is "different" so I don't think they're been around for too long. I dusted the house with DE and put it on her nest before I laid the eggs down. Will this effect the egg laying? What else do I need to do? Should I get sevin and dust her with it??
Little black bugs = mites, little grayish/yellowy bugs = lice. There are a lot of things you can do: 1) dusting coop with DE (will not hurt the eggs or new peeps) 2) give all your chickens baths (the bathtime should not hurt your broody & her nest time, as it doesn't take that long to wash a chicken - especially if the weather's fine and you can release her without blowdrying); 3) treat your chickens with ivomec or Eprinex (a cattle pesticide that you apply to chicken's neck a'la Frontline (there are many threads here that discuss it including the correct dosage); 4) dusting birds with DE (Sevin is a poison & best not used), taking care to try and keep them from breathing too much in (it's a silicate & can cause silicosis); 5) over the counter pesticide sprays from the feed store.
Personally, I'm an ivomec fan.
I was checking out the ivomec and saw you cant eat the chickens eggs for two weeks after application...but is it safe to put on a hen that is brooding eggs? The eggs are already hatched so it doesn't seem like it would be bad??

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