Broody noises without the behavior


7 Years
Sep 21, 2014
My 1 yr old easter egger hen just started making those deep cluck broody noises and has been for a few days. I recall her doing this before for a bit. She makes the noises but never sits on eggs or actually goes broody. She eats and drinks and acts normal orherwise. Anyone else have weird hens like this?
My older hens do what I call the "eggless song", the the roos join in. The bantams cluck some when they lay, but it's usually the older ones that make most of the noise. They will also start up their clucking and carrying on when they first see me in the morning. Funny birds.
My 1 yr old easter egger hen just started making those deep cluck broody noises and has been for a few days. I recall her doing this before for a bit. She makes the noises but never sits on eggs or actually goes broody. She eats and drinks and acts normal orherwise. Anyone else have weird hens like this?
Give it time...she may go yet.
Haha. We have one duck we call the "eternal broody." She squeaks and huffs her feathers, regardless of whether she's broody or even is laying or not.
I have an EE hen (BA/EE 75/25) that went broody, she is not a good mother so I put her in the broody buster. When an egg appeared I let her out. But she is "stuck in cluck" holds the tail straight up, but not puffed up, and she lays (not to often she is 5YO old now) she has been this way for 2 years, maybe 3.

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