Broody not pooping


6 Years
Mar 16, 2013
I have a broody hen that's been sitting now for a week or so. The last three days when I let her out of her broody cage she struggles and strains to poop with little to nothing coming out. She still is eatting and drinking and running around but I'm starting to worry about her. She's older and has had the same problem in the past. I've always noticed she struggled to poop and strained for a few seconds before successfully passing something but going broody has made it worse.
It sounds like she is not getting enough water.
Do you have her sitting on eggs?
If not, you may want to break her broodiness.
If she is you may need to try to get her to drink more often, even offering water while she is on the nest.
I'm sure others may have better ideas.
Do you think it may be related to the fact that you are dictating her natural desire to leave the nest? Just a thought, but I always leave my broody to come and go from the nest as and when it suits her.

Good luck

Does she have food and water she can reach without you letting her out?

I agree it sounds like she is dehydrated. I would recommend putting in Chick Saver or such as that makes the water taste good and can encourage them to drink. It will also give her some extra electrolytes and vitamins.

I too allow my broodies to come and go as they please, eating and drinking when they feel like it.

She has half the coop to herself (about 10 square feet). He's got her own food and water and I only let her out to dust bathe. She's got a problem with mites when she sits. Dustbathing seems to solve the problem. I offer her the water and food multiple times a day when I go to check on her and make sure the box fan is working etc. she drinks from the nest when I offer and eats her food too. I figured a additive would help. I'll get her some tomorrow. For now she acts totally normal but just won't poop.
She's also a week in to sitting on eggs so I don't want to break her. The eggs are all fertile too. I always struggle to break her completely if I don't give her eggs to sit on.
Broodies, as you know, only poop once a day, sometimes every other day, one very large, smelly, mess.

If she seems healthy, enticing with the water additive may do the trick to help "ease" things along a bit.

Sprinkling a bit of poultry dust in the nest can help with the broody mites, it won't hurt the eggs or the chicks.

Awesome I'll try both of those. I gave her some water with a bit of molasses in it to sweeten the water just a touch. I've never seen her drink so much! She must have been dehydrated. Is there any kind of meds I can give her to act like a laxitive? She always has struggled to poop and so I think going broody slightly intensified the problem. I just don't want her to prolapse by accident.

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