Broody old hen Vs New Roo

A broody hen will fight anyone if she/he is a lower rank then her. Sometimes higher... If she has been broody for this long and you do not plan on hatching a clutch i would suggest breaking her right away...

I put them in a separate pen together. They spent 15 minutes trying to escape, then the next 15 exploring, him. She laid down by the other hens opposite of fence.
They are all now together. She clucks (6 year old hen). No eggs for past 2 years. If he wants to make her a favorite, we wouldn't mind.
Breaking as in getting rid of the broodiness... To do so you would have to put her in a metal cage for about a week since shes been broody for a while. Dont give her any bedding in the cage. Just a place to roost, And feeder/waterers. After that she should go back to being her normal, Egg laying self again

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