Broody or Comatose?


In the Brooder
8 Years
9 Years
Jan 24, 2011
This is my first experience with a hen hatching chicks. My Americauna hen (Brittany - after Brittany Spears named by my granddaughter) - went broody for the first time a week ago. We moved her and the eggs out of the coop housing the other hens and into a new one made just for her. She has lots of privacy and seems much more comfortable not being disturbed by the other hens trying to sit on top of her to lay their eggs in her nest. As a matter of fact she is so very comfortable that she is really hunkered down in the nest and appears to be in a trance, not moving of making any sound...I have to touch her to be sure she is still breathing!
The last time I saw her leave the nest and go outside to eat, drink and poop was Sunday. Today is Wednesday. She doesn't seem to have touched her food or pooped anymore in the pen. Is this normal?
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From what I understand yes. You may want to put some food and water in front of her. I've heard of people having to pick up the bird at least once a day so that it can go to the bathroom. If yours isn't leaving to eat or drink then she doesn't even need to leave the nest to poop. Sounds like you have a serious broody on your hands!
That type of behavior is exactly why they can stay on the nest for as long as they do, That trance is actually their safety valve on timer. It is a true work of nature. I do agree with having a small dish of food and water close by for her to partake of, they kinda like that.
I checked her last night when I got home from work and saw that she had been outside in the pen to poop a little, so I feel better about it...I'm very excited about getting the babies...hope we have a good hatching. Thanks for the words of encouragement!
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I had a white Cochin who did the same thing, I was worried she was dying. I did put food and water near her and she did not touch it, so I decided to take her eggs and put them in the bator and hatch them that way. She still tried hatch other eggs, but I took them each day, finally she came out of her "trance". She is fine now.

( I also have a Brittnay, she was named after my daughter who has five kids, and this hen loves her roo, if you know what I mean, lol)

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