Broody or not?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 29, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
My bantam silkie/cochin hen has been laying eggs for only three weeks now (my frist experience with eggs) and I was told not to expect her to have brooding instincts until she is older. But this morning I couldn't find her in my yard and lo and behold she was in sitting in her little nest area -- which is where all four of my chickens sleep and which is also not in the coop but on the ground?!!!! -- She got up shortly after I saw her because that is feeding time. So she ate and drank some water and I was hoping she'd head back to her egg but now she is wandering the yard with the other chickens. Should I leave the egg or should I go ahead and bring it in? Is this pre-broody behavior? Thanks for any advice.
Are you sure the egg she is sitting on is hers?? Maybe she is trying to lay an egg !!!!!!

Keep an eye on her, young pullets arent always good broodys !!!!!
thanks for the reply. i'm pretty sure it is her egg. i have a sneaking suspicion she might be the only hen of my four chickens. i'm still tyring to figure this question out. She's the only one who has been mounted by our obvious roo he seems to have no interest in the other two, making me think they aren't hens. I'll keep my eye on her today to see what happens. thanks again.
My bantam cochin went broody at a very young age too. This sounds alot like she was behaving. Also I noticed she was missing alot of feathers on her breast. I of coarse panicked and then posted here!
Someone came to my rescue and told me that they pull out these feathers to prepare to set because it helps keep the eggs warmer. So maybe you could check her breast area and see if she has done this same thing. Selina didn't have a succesful hatch however
. In fact not one! Not sure why though. Again my thanks to ALL of you BYCers that have helped me in one way or another!
This happened with one of my younger silkies...she gave up after about a week.

My oldest one is setting now... a couple months ago she got the broody attitude and was over it in less then a week.

Now she refuses to get off the nest and I just gave her some eggs, worse case... they don't hatch and she gives up. Gotta let her practice.
well now i'm thinking she was just doing extra laying. i checke don her nest area this afternoon while she was off in the yard and found 2 eggs. that is 2 eggs in one day. is that odd? and i'm pretty sure she's not broody. i'm going to leave the eggs there tonight just to get her used to sleeping on them. is that a good idea or not?
Yes 2 eggs in one day is kind of odd not impossible , maybe there is another girl in your group that is laying!!!!!! Shouldnt be a problem leaving them there unless she breaks them on accident !!!!! Also if she sits on them over night they can start to develop

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