Broody Orp that has lost a lot of weight, pale comb and won't leave nest. HELP!!!


9 Years
Dec 2, 2010
Orange County, California (Tustin)
My Orpington is 1 1/2 yrs old, this her first brood and she is laying on 5 eggs. She has lost so much weight and I have brought her in the house and put her in large kitty kennel so I can put a heat pad under her. Her body temp is low as well and her comb is extremely pale. I have a case of fowl pox going through my flock right now and she is about 10 days into the fowl pox so she should be over it by the time the chicks hatch. I am hand feeding her yogurt, hard boiled egg, pasta and a bit of cooked hamberger plus her regular diet of scratch, mash and oyster shells. She is drinking off and on. She is weak looking but acting tough. I hope I am doing the right things, I could sure use some advice. I don't want my hen to die. HELP!!!!

I sure hope so. How long do you think it will take her body temp to get back up? I am worried about the eggs she's sitting on. Will her lowered body temp damage the developing chicks in any way you think? She is so dog-gone stubborn.

Depends on how long shes been cold on the eggs. If she is more than a degree or two under I would try and get them in an incubator. Or if you cant I would destroy them. If its early in their development they will be born with defects and growth problems. Can you tell me how long she has been cold? The whole ten days?
I would say her temp dropped over the last 24-36 hours. Last night we put the eggs in a home made bator and literally we were up every hour on the hour checking the temp because we were so worried about them possible getting over heated. What would happen if they did get over heated? This is her first brood and I was really hoping it would go off without a hitch.

I just checked her and offered her water and she drank and I also have a heating pad under her as well. I noticed she ate a lot of the dinner I made for her of pasta, boilded egg and hamberger. But her comb looks awful. That's what's so worriesome to me.

Thank you Tommy for your input, I really do appreciate it.

She's probably mite infested. Maybe even worm infested. Treat her and leave some goodies for her to eat. Preferably, a little protein.
UPDATE!!! My broody hen seems perkier today. This morning I took her out of the kennel and sent her out the back door for a few minutes of sun shine. She cackled and cackled and carried on and our rooster, Colonel came to her aid to try and help her. After a good poop and pecking in the dirt I brought her back in the house and back into the kennel. She had hard boiled egg for breakfast, her grains and some yogurt again. Her comb is still pretty pail and she actually felt heavier today than yesterday and her body temp seems to be up as well. I am still keeping the heating pad under the kennel just in case.

I am worming her, but I didn't see any mites on her. And tomorrow I am going to be getting the DE to dust her with while she is in the house.

Thank you Chkn and Tommy for your help. I really do appreciate it.

Thank you. I have never done this before with a hen, so this is all new to me and its scary when something doesn't go right. It's just that the color of her comb is so pale and that is what has me so worried, but she does have fowl pox too. I just feel really bad for the poor girl, her hormones are all out of wack and she is not feeling well to boot.
I just hope the chicks will be ok.
UPDATE!!! Her comb is so much more pink today!!! I am just ecstatic. My daughter said Mom look how good her comb looks today. Almost as pink as her two sister's combs, and she is continuing to gain weight. So she went out for a poop and this morning I gave her a dusting also. I just wonder about her body temp. I am concerned about the eggs she laying on and whether they will hatch or not or even be healthy. We will see when hatch day comes. The chicks will be Americana/Cochin mix and Buff Orpington/Cochin mix.


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