Broody Polish on fertilized eggs...


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 29, 2009
Georgetown, DE
Good morning,

I have a polish hen sitting on eggs, she is with 2 other Polish hens and a rooster. I am pretty sure they are fertilized. The problem is that she has been faithfully sitting for like 4 or 5 weeks and nothing has hatched. I understand that it normally takes 3 weeks? Any ideas?


Little Rooster Croft
If it's been 4-5 weeks and you know the eggs are actually that old, then my guess is that they aren't fertilized OR they're dead under her. Only way to know is to take them out and candle them and/or crack them open to see what is inside. If you find yolks and whites with no bullseye white spot on the yolk, your roo isn't doing his job.

I'm surprised your polish is brooding, they are not typically the lay and sit type.

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