Broody/Separation Anxiety


Muddy Acre Farms
12 Years
Sep 20, 2009
Pride, La.
How long does it last??? My broody was still in a seperate pen with her 7 babies. They were 7 weeks old Friday & Saturday. Saturday I removed her from the coop and took all the babies out of there and gave them away. She still stays right there by the seperate pen walking back & forth looknig for them. Wow. I feel SO bad!!
but it is what it is!! How long do you think she'll continue this behavior??
My broody was devoted to her chicks up until week 8, then, almost to the day - they were cut loose and she was back hanging with the big girls. I was really surprised she hung in there that long. It was kind of funny toward the end, them being so large and trying to squirm their way underneath her at night. I actually had to install a small perch so she could perch slightly above them and they would crouch on the floor just underneath her.

Don't be too hard on yourself - it was bound to happen soon anyway.
My hen has gone up into the "big girls" henhouse for several nights...but the 4 kids make such a fuss she comes back down to sleep with them. I imagine the final cut will be soon!!! They are 7 weeks this Friday
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She's still hanging out by the grow out coops today!! I've also noticed that she rarely leaves the coop. Maybe I should have waited till she was ready but I figured she was getting there. About a week ago she quit laying in the hay letting them try to get under her and they all started roosting at night.
Hope she gets out of her depression soon!!

i've had broodies decide they were done at a couple weeks, long before the chicks wanted to lose their mom. My best mom, though, i've let keep her chicks until they were grown (the girl chicks). She's in a pen now with her latest brood, and they are over a year old. The times i've taken her chicks at a younger age, when she raised breeds i didn't want to keep, she seemed to perk up pretty fast, in under a week. Of course, she went broody right away, too.

Good luck, i feel bad for your mom, but she will get over it. Maybe give her lots of treats.
Seven weeks today exactly and mama ditched the hooligans to go sleep in the big girl henhouse! I made sure they were all (four) on the juvvie roosts settled in for the night... Bet she'll be broody again within the month...silly cochins!
Thanks everyone she finally got over it!
And then oh my I thought she went broody again!!
But no it was one of the other BO's!! Man they are relentless in there broodiness!!

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