Broody Serama hen constipated can't pass stool.


Oct 24, 2014
My little serama hen has been setting on 3 eggs. It seems she has not been getting off the nest to relieve herself.
Now she is constipated with hard stool, she has been straining to go today. I have given her a warm soak bath, gave her 2 drop mineral oil orally around noon, then went and bought
olive oil. I was able to get the olive oil inside her vent with an eye dropper tonight. Also, gave her a drop of liquid drench vitamins for the stress of this situation.

Hoping by morning, the oil will soften the hard stool I can feel behind her vent that she can't seem to push out. So far no prolapse from this.

Is there anything else I can do? I am so concerned for her.
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Could you try the olive oil by mouth? it may ease things further up.

When I have broodies who don't get off the nest much, I will place a tuna can with water near them, so they will drink occasionally. You also may want to take her way off from her eggs, so that she will walk back, and the activity might encourage her to "go."
When I have broodies who don't get off the nest much, I will place a tuna can with water near them, so they will drink occasionally. You also may want to take her way off from her eggs, so that she will walk back, and the activity might encourage her to "go."

Good ideas!


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