Broody Silkie day 20 got off eggs

Bad news :( we went out to check on the chicks tonight and we found the black chick away from its mother on her back and lifeless. We thought she was dead :( then my dad picked her up and he felt she still may have had some life left in her, so we put her in a box on her own with a light bulb and got the temperature in there up to about 35 degrees Celsius. She's now moving again!!! And chirping! It's a miracle! Now what I'm wondering is, what's the best temperature to keep it at? I'm going to keep her in my room for a couple of days to keep an eye on her and make sure she's warm. Although she's not eating much yet but she was only born this morning. What else should I do to make her stronger and ensure she survives? Any help would be appreciated.
Congrats on the precious babies!

When I had a weak chick I kept it at around 98 F under the heat light with a cooler area for it to crawl away to if it got hot (which they often did). I put a paper plate or some cardboard in for them to hide under and every few hours put a few drips of electrolyte water on their beak to get them to drink. They didn't start eating or walking for a few days, but once they got better they thrived.

I hope your chick gets all the way strong and healthy. Best of luck!
Thanks for the info @GitaBooks ! My chick is better today, she already seems a bit stronger. What I wanted to ask is will she be ok on her own? Coz I'm keeping her on her own in a box while she is weak. She tends to scream for her mum every now and then and I feel bad but I can't put her back with her mum until she's strong enough. Do you think it's a problem for her to be on her own? I could always put the other chick with her but don't think mama would like that lol.
Thanks for the info @GitaBooks ! My chick is better today, she already seems a bit stronger. What I wanted to ask is will she be ok on her own? Coz I'm keeping her on her own in a box while she is weak. She tends to scream for her mum every now and then and I feel bad but I can't put her back with her mum until she's strong enough. Do you think it's a problem for her to be on her own? I could always put the other chick with her but don't think mama would like that lol.

If she is only on her own a day or two she should be okay, though a little stressed. However, after a few days the mother usually stops excepting chicks under her any longer, and chicks sometimes stop excepting a mother. You want to make sure that it is strong enough to keep up with her and not get stepped on, but also make sure you get it back with its mother before they forget the sound of one anothers voices.

Best of luck!

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