broody won't get off the nest after chicks hatched


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
Quick question.

I have a BO broody that just hatched out some chicks. The first hatched monday, then the rest all hatched out tuesday. Well today is Thursday and she isn't off the nest yet. We did remove the "dud" eggs to encourage her to take her chicks to food and water but...

I was going encourage her when i get home today. Any thoughts? let her be? show her chicks the food and water?

i would make sure the chicks know where food and water is... are they in a separate pen from the rest of the flock?
i don't know what to tell you about the hen though.. but i would take care of the babies for sure...
If you can, put food and water in the coop for them. My girls have chosen to stay in the coop instead of going outdoors with their hatchlings, it's probably safer and warmer this time of year. You can lift her up and put her over by the food and water for a second, so that she knows where it is.
Bring the food and water to mom. If she still does not show chicks food and water... well, she could be one of those who is a great incubator... and not so good of a mom. I've had a bad mom smother all her chicks to death and still not get up off an empty nest. But your girl is probably fine and since it's winter, likly does not want to risk chilling her chicks to find food if it is not close by.

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