

In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
Ok I got an hen sitting in the nest box for the last two days. Is that mean she broody? The only probelm is it not going to hatch I don't have any rooster. Will she stop broody?
More in likely she will sit there until they hatch which in her case will be awhile, lol. I would suggest taking her off the eggs (CAREFULLY she may be angry) Then lock her outside the coop. She'll pace for awhile but hopefully she'll forget about it ;) Try feed her some yummy food away from the coop as well just to get her mind off it.

Hope this helps ;)

Well I'm getting some fertized eggs from a co worker. So she can sit on them. Hopefully this will work. Had anyone done this?
When my BO went broody I locked her in our chicken run so she couldn't access the laying boxes. she was very mad at me and would pace back and forth. she had to be in "chicken jail" for a few days until she gave up on the broody thing.
when mine went broody I gave them some of my other hen's eggs :) more fun that way. I also separated the broodies because the other hens want to lay eggs in the same nest box with them everyday.
Well I'm getting some fertized eggs from a co worker. So she can sit on them. Hopefully this will work. Had anyone done this?

Yes I just did the same thing on the 10th. I gave her a bunch of eggs and put her in a coop that I had that was empty so no one would bother her and her chicks when they hatch. She has so far been great she is always on the nest keeping those eggs warm. I can't wait to see her be a mommy she really is earning it!!!
I have a hen who went broody yesterday (BO). So far the other hens have not bothered her, but she has growled when you get too close to her. I can gather eggs from the next boxes on either side with no problem, but Do Not Touch Her!
I can build her a broody coop, but I do not want to remove her from where she is now. I wonder how she would do after (if this egg or eggs hatch) I do even know how many eggs she is sitting on.

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