Brown eggs from my first EE :(


9 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Boerne, TX
Well, I wasn't home this morning due to work, but I got an email telling me that in addition to the dark brown egg from my Marans that started laying last week, today there was a second egg - a light brown egg along with the dark brown egg. My only other hens of laying age are EEs, so I guess I got a brown egg laying EE. I really really was hoping for green or blue. I have two more EEs - I really hope at least one of them lays colored eggs!
I'm not sure, but could it be from your Marans, just lighter?
I am sorry
. I am crossing my fingers as well hoping my EE's will lay something other than a brown egg. Are you sure the other chickens didn't lay it?
b.hromada :

I'm not sure, but could it be from your Marans, just lighter?

Would she lay two in one day? I guess I should wait and check them when I get home and see how different they are. But one of the EEs has been doing the egg squat and song for about 5 days so I am suspecting it is her egg. Still a chance for blue or green from the other 2 EE girls though - maybe I will end up with at least one blue or green. Of course if I don't get any I will be on a quest for a blue egg layer! Like I need anoher excuse to want more chickens!
I know how you feel! I have four EE's and 7 brown layers of various shades (or at least that's what the books say as they're just now coming into lay). My oldest hen has been giving me a blue/green egg for a couple of months so I know I have at least one. Then my first younger EE laid a beautiful PINK egg! Pink? Really? It was really pretty though and I have two more EE's and she's such a cutie that I forgave her. Then I got one from one of my other EE's and it was....GREEN!!! One more to go! I have no idea what she's going to give me. They all have the same slate colored legs and matching combs so all the little "tricks" I've read about meant nothing to my girls!

Here's hoping you get treated to some blue or green eggs!
As my EE grew I kept saying I don't care what color eggs she lays, as long as she's a SHE. Now that I'm pretty certain she's a pullet I'm hoping and hoping she'll lay a green or blue egg. Plus, now that she's almost 20 weeks old, I'm getting a bit impatient waiting for an egg....Really, any egg at all is such a blessing.
NWCHicks, what are the "tricks" you read about concerning their legs and combs? I have one EE pullet and possibly another or at least an EE mix of some kind and I'm curious what you meant by that. Is the appearance/color of their legs and comb supposed to predict the color egg they will lay?

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