brown scab in egg?


In the Brooder
Feb 7, 2016

We have been finding these in our fresh egg whites and my son thinks it's a fetus. I told him no.. but what is it? This is in a egg layed yesterday
How old are your hens?
Do not worry about it. It happens. Give them more cool water during the day. Water is # 1 in egg laying.
That is right though, pick it out or just scramble that egg and feed back too your hens. also a trick I use is keeping all my egg shells and rinse them out and dry them, feed the crushed shells back too my hens. I never have that blood spot or crud in my eggs.
Hope that helped?
Amount and/or temperature of water given has nothing to do with meat/blood spots in eggs.
It's caused by a small piece of tissue breaking off or a tiny blood vessel breaking when the ova is released.
Happens normally on occasion, but if constant could be an infection or a genetic malfunction/deformity in a particular hen.

It's mentioned in this awesome video:
Egg Formation Video

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