Bubba (the meat chicken)


12 Years
May 22, 2007
St. Johns, Michigan
I normally don't name my food, but in this case, it was hard not to.

I'm not sure why Bubba's beak ended up like this, or when it ended up like this. I didn't notice it until he was about 5 weeks old, but with 50 chickens, he may have hatched that way. Regardless, he didn't seem to have any trouble eating, even though he had to do it differently than the others. He was also able to eat grass and dandelions and such, like what I'm feeding him in the second picture.

I clipped the end of his top beak, but I don't think it made much difference, and since he seemed to be surviving just fine, why risk a more severe clipping?

Don't get too attached! He's already in the freezer...


Bubba sure was handsome! I have the same rule about naming food. Our last batch of cc's though, had 2 (sorry, I didn't take pics). One had a blind eye-- he was named "One eye Cornie". The other, we were given by MIL's church after thier Easter egg hunt-- they had gotten some chicks for the children to pet:rolleyes:, anyhow, she was dyed orange, her name was "Orange Blossom".

We have a pullet with a crazy beak (one of the Easter egg hunt chicks). She's a bsl, so no chance of her ending up in our freezer. I noticed about 2 weeks or so. I acctually noticed that her comb was comming in crooked before I noticed her beak. Her name is Skizzers. Her beak doesn't cross though, the whole thing turns to the side.
I will have the same rule about not naming them. Of course I would like to keep the kids away from them totaly until they are eating them for dinner. I don't want any ?'s about who is on the plate.
my 4yo always wants to know who we are having for dinner LOL we were having dinner at grandma's house one day, and she asked who the chicken was. Grandma told her that she didn't know, Rosie said "Well, it's SOMEBODY, this one is Tom" LOL
Poor little guy. I have not yet had one with coss beak. We still have 5 of last years CC that now free range in the back yard. They turned 1 year old this past week! They have become my sons pets and I have to admit they are the best chickens ever!! Super friendly and loving. They come running whenever anyone walks out onto the deck. Silly chickens, I just love them!
they really are the sweetest aren't they? Mine love being pet and loved on. My bb turkeys are like that too, what is it with meat birds?

Of course, my oegb is like that too. He's a goofy little thing!
Everyone keeps telling me they won't last much longer. I don't know what I will do without them. They greet me each morning and come running everytime I walk out the door. They are the only five of my chickens that I can let free range because my neighbors dog is afraid of them!! The dog would hurt my laying hens.
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I hear ya Nugget and Mommy. we have one CC and he is a sweet chicken. Loves to be pet and we laugh when he runs. He waddles like the ducks. Must be because he is built like them.

Yup.. he is our pet.. unfortunately, he's named after food... lol MANGO!

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