buff brahma HELP


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 29, 2014
Macedonia, Ohio
Pullet or lil roo? After reviewing forums I still cant determine!
Thanks for your help!


What age is this one? I'm trying to determine mine too....and hoping for a hen. The tail on yours makes me think hen.
Approx 8-10 weeks old now. Im really hoping for a hen, but he/she is awfully large & IN CHARGE of the others...BUT my silkies are a cpl wks younger.
Do you have pics of your brahma?
The comb looks a little red in picture but I see no wattles or any other indicator of a cockerel. I'm going to say pullet for now. I have a couple that are 12 weeks and will go get pictures later this morning so you can compare!
My BB is enormous too. I got a mixed batch from the hatchery and she has always been at least 25% bigger than anyone else. It looks like a girl to me.
Thanks for your input Basskids08!Fingers crossed you are correct, I know it can be difficult to tell till they are older.
Ill post some up close shots when my sloooow computer allows it. Lol....
@ Ooweefnp YESSS! She's on the larger side, so I assumed a lil roo. But I've been reading that Brahma hens are slightly larger theb other birds
Wow Dusica731 they are beautiful!
But wondering if mine is 100% BB? Yours look very different then mine?!
But heck, im so new @ this all.
I definitely see the pullet-look in your girls for sure tho. They are stunning : )

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