Buff Brahma not laying


7 Years
Aug 1, 2013
I got a Buff Brahma and a Columbian Wyandotte 2 years ago, and a Copper Marans and Olive Egger last year. The Marans and Egger have been laying consistently through most of the winter. The Wyandotte and Brahma moulted late last fall, and the Wyandotte took a break laying, but a few month ago started laying again. But the Buff Brahma has not. She has prob layed 1 or 2 eggs since the fall. Is this normal? She eats like crazy, but no eggs.
I got a Buff Brahma and a Columbian Wyandotte 2 years ago, and a Copper Marans and Olive Egger last year. The Marans and Egger have been laying consistently through most of the winter. The Wyandotte and Brahma moulted late last fall, and the Wyandotte took a break laying, but a few month ago started laying again. But the Buff Brahma has not. She has prob layed 1 or 2 eggs since the fall. Is this normal? She eats like crazy, but no eggs.
Could it be weather conditions? Where are you located?
I agree with @3KillerBs. Slowly, slowly my girls have all started laying again, but of my oldest chickens only 4 out of 7-8 have started laying this spring which has all been within the last two weeks. The two brahmas I am still waiting on. To give the brahmas some credit, they are five and as of last year were still laying fertile eggs. What they lack for in eggs, they make up for in personality.

Sending positive egg vibes your way! I hope eggs are on the way!
They are...and mellow too.
I sold mine as pets.
But they are sooooo beautiful. :)
Sorry if you all have heard me brag about my brahmas in other posts, but both of mine are super chill, and one is a complete lap chicken. She will constantly run under my feet if I'm walking, or stair daggers if I'm sitting on the porch until I pick her up. She just nuzzles right into my lap. Their offspring (mutts since the dad is a mutt) are very friendly too.

This is Burrito enjoying her head scratches
but both of mine are super chill
When I was still brooding in the house, I'd handle the chicks frequently, just so they'd know they 'wouldn't die' if I held them.

Had a couple of Lt Brahma that never acclimated, they would continue screaming no matter how long or frequently they were handled. Lo and Behold one of those birds, at about 3-4 months old, got close to me in the coop by jumping on the nest perch. I reached out to touch her and she stood there, I touched her all over and she never budged, I picked her up and she was chill, she didn't wag her tail or purr, but she clearly enjoyed the 'cuddle'. I put her down and she walked away calmly. I was a bit gobsmacked. She continued to come up to me and stand there until I picked her up for a cuddle. This went on for a few months, I can't remember the exact timing, then she stopped. She was still pretty chill, as was her sister who did the same but less so. As much as I loved the look and demeanor of those birds, they were gluttons and lousy layers, and didn't fit the program here, so they had to go. Luckily they got to go to a pet home with little kids.

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