Buff O soft shell egg cracked inside??


Nov 23, 2014
Headland, AL
2 year old Buff O small for her size. Still drinking water. Crop 1/3 full all day. Ate a few bites this a.m. A little lethargic and tail is definitely down. She still strains every now and again. I've checked 2 " inside but feel nothing. There was some yolk and clear matter yesterday and today with a little bit of runny poop.
I've goven her 1/2 cc of liquid calcium 3x since yesterday rnorning. I tried the warm bath with no results and I've searched her vent 2x. She's been isolated in a dog crate in my house (80°) since yesterday.
I read that I should rinse her inside with saline to prevent infection. Is this correct? i'm pretty sure it was a softshell egg because she's been laying them about once a week for the last month. I don't know if the shell came out. She may have eaten it if it did?? Saline rinse??? If so, ratio and amount. Turkey baster or syringe?
She only weighs about 4 1/2 lbs.
Nearest poultry vet is 2 hours away and it is very expensive. I just don't have the $.
Any advice you can give. Please help my. Her name is Baby. Prayer needed as well!
I would not flush her vent because of the risk of introducing bacteria from the poop up into the oviduct. If you have felt for shell, then that is sufficient. She may be suffering from internal laying which can lead to egg yolk peritonitis. You may want to get some antibiotics from a vet or have her seen. Some hens even though they get plenty of calcium and layer feed, can still have problems with soft shell eggs from many reasons. Keep trying to get her to take fluids and feed, try wetting the feed, or offering some chopped egg or tuna. Google or do a search here on BYC for "Common egg quality problems," a good article about egg shells and laying.
I would not flush her vent because of the risk of introducing bacteria from the poop up into the oviduct. If you have felt for shell, then that is sufficient. She may be suffering from internal laying which can lead to egg yolk peritonitis. You may want to get some antibiotics from a vet or have her seen. Some hens even though they get plenty of calcium and layer feed, can still have problems with soft shell eggs from many reasons. Keep trying to get her to take fluids and feed, try wetting the feed, or offering some chopped egg or tuna. Google or do a search here on BYC for "Common egg quality problems," a good article about egg shells and laying.
Thanks for the answer. Much appreciated.

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