Buff Orp, Plymouth Rock, or something else?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 13, 2013
Rutland, MA
Hi all,

A friend of mine picked up this girl as a chick 2 months ago from the store that told her it was a Delaware White. What breed do you all think it really is? We're thinking it could be a buff orpington but it has yellow legs. Another thought is a buff plymouth rock...what do you all think? Thanks!

That is a tremendous amount of red for an 8 week old chick. My Buff Orpingtons are over 15 weeks and do not have near that amount of red.

In this pic you can see one of my Buffs on the left. I was trying to get a pic of my silver duckwing that would not hold still.

Not nearly the red of the on the OP has posted.
OH good I was under the impression that she was 8 weeks from what the first post indicated. At 13 weeks the comb can turn red if the strain she is from were early layers.

I have had pullets start laying at about 15 weeks old before.

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