buff orpington and egg laying in winter questions

The artificial light route will bring them back into lay, but you need to do it incrementally.

R. Plamonden has tons of advice, as does Gail Demerow. Both of these can be googled, and they've both written numerous books. If I've misspelled their names, email me privately if you're interested, and don't know them, and I'll figure out the proper spelling for you.

Rachel, Tx
I'm having the same problem. My Buffs haven't lain in well over a month. They have free access to the yard and can come out whenever (are usually out at first light until its getting dark). It's not the food - my bantam is laying up a storm. They were molting, but they have long since finished.
I have 7 who started laying in July and by August I was averaging 6 eggs a day. By November I was down to an average of 2 per day. The day after Christmas I put in a white 250w bulb. I turn it on when I get up and off (usually) when I go to bed. This week I'm averaging 4 eggs per day, so I think it has helped. I have left the light on all night on very cold days. Last night we got down to 3 degrees this morning it was still just above freezing. My coop is only 5x8 and it is insulated. Tonight is supposed to be just as cold, but the light will be turned off so they can rest.
My 4 Buffs really slowed down in egg production, so my husband put a light in the coop. They are now up to about 3 eggs a day so I think the light did the trick!

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