Buff Orpington duck on nest


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
Brooksville, FL
My Buff Orpington duck, Penny, has been sitting on a clutch of about 12 eggs since March 2. However, during the first week, she got off the nest a few times, sometimes for a few hours at a time. She has now been sitting diligently, only getting up to grab a quick bite and wet her feathers. do you think the eggs are still viable? Will her leaving the nest for a few hours kill the ducklings?
I wish someone would come along and answer as I would like to know too. I had a duck that would spend evenings on her clutch and the day lollygagging around. Her eggs froze and I threw them away.
They should be fine
Just keep your nose out for the ones that go bad, and if she will let you, check them because you might be able to tell by looking at them if they are bad. My Buff hen was one of my best mamas ever! I sure miss her. I think we need some pics
Is this her first time sitting on eggs? I had a chicken do the same thing. The eggs started to grow and then died because she was off the nest too long. She's now on her second set of eggs and is doing much better.
I just went out to play with my goats and noticed Penny off the nest and in the pond. I checked in the duck house and she had covered the eggs with hay and feathers. I reached in and touched an egg and it was still quite warm, even though Penny seems to have been off the nest for a while. I just hope the eggs are still viable. I am SO looking forward to seeing Penny with her ducklings! Should it happen, I'll post pics.

My web site, which has photos of my chickens, coop, ducks, goats and other critters is www.n4dbi.com. Our goats, Nick and Molly, have their own site with a 24/7 live goat cam at www.goatslive.com.
If she is getting close to the hatch date its ok for her to get off the nest for one last "vacation" , she'll be stuck to that next for the next 5 days or so when the babies hatch. My buff was a GREAT mama, but had a tendency to step on them so please be watchful! She smothered three one day when her clutch hatched before i got home.

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