Buff Orpington Egg Color

this is our first egg from our Buffs. They came from a small hatchery in southern Ontario. So far they have all been a nice deep brown. I think you might have a cross somewhere in the lines (from what I've read here) She's a lovely girl all the same! Kind of fun to get a white egg among the brown ones! :)

One of my buffs just started laying I think. I saw her go in the nest box today for the first time and then hopped back out after after only about 5 minutes or less. I went to check and there was a large white egg. I'm not 100 percent for sure it was her because I have two laying Leghorns (which seem to be the best layers so far) and they of course lay white eggs. The one I just found was slightly larger and rounder in shape. I was expecting to find a light tanish brown colored egg.
We have two buffs that just started laying and they lay darker brown eggs than our Wyandottes. I guess every chicken is different with varying shades.

My buffs lay the lightest color shown here.
Is she built like a BO?  You know, big and very fluffy?  I'm guessing that the hatchery crossed in a white-layer breed to improve production and you're seeing evidence of the cross.  I'm just curious whether it shows anywhere else. If she is a hatchery bird, this is probably the reason. There is a possibility that somewhere in her background, someone added some leghorn blood.
we have 12 buffs, they lay brown eggs. some of them laid a really light brown egg when they first started laying then they got darker later.

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